Maxim Motors Fire Apparatus |
Middleborough, Massachusetts |
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A Special Profile
Custom Maxim "F" Model Pumpers
Yarmouth Fire Department Engine 7 started out
red and with an open cab.
The 1966 Maxim "F" Model Pumper was assigned to West
Yarmouth Station 3.
(Yarmouth FD collection)
During the late 1970's Engine 7 was refurbished
and painted lime.
It remained lime until retirement in 1996.
Yarmouth Engine 2, like many Yarmouth
apparatus, started out as Engine 3 (the duty piece).
It became Engine 5 and finally Engine 2 before retirement in
Dennis Fire Department also did the "lime
thing" was exhibited by this 1980 Maxim "f".
Engine 1 was a 1500 gpm / 500 gal pumper.
In 1988 Engine 1's lime color ripened to a new
red/white color scheme.
It was reassigned as Engine 4 (E115) on the northside of Dennis.
It presently is at Headquarters.
Falmouth Fire Department's 1979 Maxim
"F" also had a "lemon-lime" look.
The 1250 gpm pumper served as Engine 1 and finally Engine 2
retiring in 1996.
Hyannis Engine 3 - 1975 Maxim 1500 gpm
Hyannis FD placed Engine 3 (E83) in service in
It had 1500 gpm pump and 500 gallon tank.
Hyannis refurbished Engine 3 in 1988. Ranger
rebuilt the 1975 Maxim "F".
It was renumbered Engine 823 in the 1990's.
Presently in reserve status and still looking good.
Hyannis Engine 6 (E826) was one of Maxim's last
"F" Models. The 1990 Maxim
was originally scheduled to go to Worcester - it was cut and HYFD
picked it up.
1500 gpm / 750 gals. "The Last Shall be First" is
painted on the nose.
Hyannis Engine 6 (E826) as it looked originally (the Worcester specs).
Harwich Engine 1 is a "F" Model
pumping big water during the fire years.
Engine 1, later known as Engine 64, was painted all white.
Yarmouth Engine 5's Maxim operates at the Lukes Market 3rd alarm February 9, 1985.
Five "F" Models were delivered to
Cape Departments in 1972. Bourne Engine 1 was one of them.
A 1000 gpm/500 gal pumper.
Bourne's 1972 Maxim became Engine 4 in 1987. It retired in 1994.
In 1975 Bourne purchased this Maxim
"F" Model pumper designated Engine 6. It was assigned
to the
Sagamore Fire Station #3. Later, it was reassigned as Engine 5 at
Bourne Engine 5's 1975 Maxim is now assigned to the Monument Beach Station #2.
Chatham Fire Department placed Engine 5 in
service in 1975. It is a 1000 gpm Maxim "F"
with a 750 gallon tank.
Chatham Fire Department refurbished its 1975 Maxim. It is served as Engine 188 in West Chatham.
Another of the 1972 Maxim's was Dennis Engine 3
(E112). A 1000 gpm/500 gallon
workhorse which was refurbished in 1986 by EJ Murphy changing the
This pumper retired in 1997.
Onset Fire Department has been a dedicated
Maxim department for many years. This 1960's open cab
Maxim "F" Engine 1 was a classic. It was replaced in
1988 by another Maxim "F" enclosed cab.
Onset's 1988 Maxim Engine 1 is a 2000 gpm pumper with a 500 gallon tank.
Onset Engine 2 still operates this 1975 open cab "F" model Maxim 1250/500 pumper.
A unique look inside the cab of Onset Engine 2.
Onset Engine 2
This 1975 Maxim "F" started out as
Engine 3 in Yarmouth. It was later assigned to Engine 5.
It has a 1000gpm pump and 500 gallon tank.
Yarmouth's 1975 Maxim is now assigned to Station 3 as Engine 47.
Another of the 1972 Maxims, Sandwich Engine 2
(E144) had a 1000 gpm pump and 750 gal tank.
A definite workhorse, it ran from headquarters for many years.
The 1972 Sandwich Engine 2 was refurbished by
EJ Murphy in 1989. It served as Engine 444
in Forestdale and now is assigned as Engine 452 in East Sandwich.
Sandwich Engine 2 (452) in East Sandwich 2002
Another of the 1972 deliveries was Barnstable
Engine 2 (E202). This 1250 gpm/750 gal pumper
was the pride of Barnstable until retired in 1989.
Wareham Fire Department has also used many
Maxims over the years.
Engine 5 is a 1975 Maxim "F" refurbished in 1988 by
Greenwood Fire Apparatus.
Middleborough Engine 2 may be the last "F" Maxim delivered.
Middleborough Engine 2
Middleborough Engine 2
Maxim Fire Apparatus Profiles