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Fire Department

Department Profile


The Yarmouth Fire Department was established in 1930...................It was "officially" organized as a town department in 1950................Yarmouth FD provides fire & ems service to approximately 22,797 citizens within the 24.13 square mile town.....................YFD operates from 3 fire stations, all will be staffed 24 hours (summer 2003) .......................There will be 14 personnel assigned to a shift, with a minimum of 11 working.......................YFD responded to 5,296 incidents in 2002................... 918 Fire responses and 4,378 EMS calls...................


Yarmouth Fire Department
96 Old Main Street
South Yarmouth, MA  02664
Run Cards
Emergency   911
Emergency   508-398-2211
Business       508-398-2212
FAX              508-760-4858
Dispatch       508-398-2212
Fire Alarm    KNCS 289
800 Talk       37872
Radio 800     854.9625    146.2
Radio 400     453.150      167.9
Radio Low    33.58          114.8
Dispatch       Yarmouth FD Dispatchers

Fire Chief  Enrique Arrascue           C-51   
(April 2023)   

Yarmouth, Massachusetts
Barnstable County
Mid Cape Cod Region

Established 1930 / 1950
3 Fire Stations     22 Apparatus
80 Personnel  80 Career  0 Call
Apparatus 40-59 550-569

Area             24.13 Square Miles
Population    23,793  (2010)
Density         985 per sq mile
                      [Wiki data)

2000   4,947 Calls
2010   6,694 Calls
2020   7,040 Calls
2023   8,493 Calls
2024  8,194 Calls

Sta.1    Sta.2
Sta.3    (GI)

6 Engines
1 Tower
2 Brush
5 Ambs
5 Cars
6 Misc

Yarmouth Firefighters Local 2122 Facebook


Leadership - Officers:
Fire Chief Enrique Arrascue     Car 51    (April 2023)
Deputy Chief Scott A Smith     Car 52    (June 2024)    

Fire Prev Lt Matt Bearse,                        Car 561
Fire Prev Lt Chris McMahon                  Car 562
EMS/Training Lt Marc Abboud              Car 560
Admin Asst Jocelyn Raneo
Office Asst Sarah Greene

Group A: Captain Jerry Walsh (P)
                 Lt Michael McCarthy           
                 Lt John Harbor
                 Lt. Brian Graul
Group B: Captain Mark Omerzu
                 Lt Joe Mullin (P),
                 Lt Greg Almonte
                 Lt Adam Riker
Group C: Captain Corey Kittla
                  Lt Ron NapolitanJason Moriarity
                  Lt Donnie Klimm
                  Lt Jason Berry     
Group D: Captain David Morley (P)
                 Lt Ron Nipolitan
                 Lt Robert Reardon (P),
                 Lt Kevin Enright

IAFF: Local 2122. Yarmouth Personnel are civilian.


Email Contact
General Info: jraneo@yarmouth.ma.us                                  
Fire Chief Enrique Arrascue
Deputy Chief Scott A Smith             
Fire Prev Lt Insp Matt Bearse
Fire Prev Lt Insp Chris McMahon  cmcmahon@yarmouth.ma.us

EMS/Training Marc Abboud: mabboud@yarmouth.ma.us
Admin Asst Jocelyn Raneo

Office Asst Sarah Greene


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Personnel: 80

Career Personnel: 80
(1)   Fire Chief,
(1)   Deputy Chief
(4)   Shift Captains
(12) Shift Lieutenants
(0)   Senior Privates
(53) Firefighters
(0)   Fire Prevention Capt
(2)   Fire Prev. Lieut.
(1)   EMS/Training Officer
(4)   Dispatchers
(2)   Admin Secs  

(37)   Paramedics,
(41)   Basic EMTs
(    )   First Responders


Call Personnel:0
(0) Call personnel     

(   )    Paramedics,
(   )    Basic EMTs
(   )    First Responders


There are 4 groups of (17) personnel
Minimum staffing is (12) per shift. 
Each group works an average 42 hour week on an 8 day rotation
The work week includes (2) 24 hour shifts 0800-0800
The work schedule is (1 On, 1 Off, 1 On, 5 Off)
(1) 24 On 0800-0800, (1) 24 Off, (1) 24 On 0800-0800, (5) 24 days Off

Full Station Staffing is:               (8) Station 1, (3) Station 2, (6) Station 3
Minimum Station Staffing is:       (6) Station 1, (3) Station 2, (3) Station 3


Station 1 Staffing is: (1) Captain, (1) Lieutenant, (6) FFs, (1) Civ. Dispatcher
Station 2 Staffing is: (1) Lieutenant, (2) FFs
Station 3 Staffing is: (1) Lieutenant, (5) FFs

Dispatch by:
Yarmouth Fire Dispatchers
Dispatchers are civilian, affiliated with the Firefighters' Local 2122. 
Dispatchers work an average 42 hour week on an 8 day rotation
Shift known as 2-2 and 4
The work week includes (2) 10 hour days 0800-1800 and (2) 14 hour nights 1800-0800
followed by 4 24 hour days off.  (D-D-N-N-O-O-O-O) Since July 2017

Note: Dispatchers previously worked 24 hour shifts - Originally (1-0-1-5)
Then changed to (1-2-1-4) prior to going back to 2-2-4 in July 2017

Disp 1 - Joseph Gibbs
Disp 2 - Lindsay Conlon
Disp 3 - Mary Silvia
Disp 4 - Kristi Whittaker

E911 PSAP:          YARPD - Yarmouth Police Department
E911 Backup:        DENNPD - Dennis Police Department
911 Secondary:     Yarmouth Fire Dispatch



Yarmouthfire.com can be accessed to schedule 26F (smoke & CO Detector) inspections for real estate sales or to purchase burning permits.

Acting Chief Jon Sawyer                         (5/22 - 4/23)
Acting Deputy Kevin Huck                      (5/22 - 4/23)

Fire Chief Philip Simonian                      Car 51    (Actg 2013/Chief 2014)

Lt Chris Caton Retired

Captain Tom Lundquist  Dec 2021

Updated January 25, 2025

Yarmouth Police Department

Yarmouth Police Department
Brad Erickson Way
West Yarmouth, MA 02673

Emergency 911    Emergency 508-771-1212
Business  508-775-0445   Fax  508-775-4997

Police Chief Kevin Lennon (2022)

Police Chief Frank Fredrickson (Ret 2022)
Deputy Chief Kevin Lennon


Yarmouth Information

Yarmouth Incorporated as a town 1639
Yarmouth Fire Department Established in 1930

Town of Yarmouth Website

City/Town Name: Town of Yarmouth
2008 Population: 23,778
2000 Population: 22,797
1990 Population: 21,174
Registered Voters: 18,364
2010 School Enrollments: 2,539
2000 School Enrollments: 2,931
Population Over 65: 6,488
Square Miles: 24.13
Public Road Miles: 266.12
Income Per Capita: $22,731
Median Family Income: $48,148
EQV Per Capita: $259,389
Avg. Tax Bill: $2,621
Residential Tax Rate: 8.00
Commercial Tax Rate: 8.00
Operating Budget: $78,798.218


Massachusetts Municipal Association

City/Town Name: Town of Yarmouth
Community Profiles: http://www.magnet.state.ma.us/cc/yarmouth.html
City/Town Hall Address: 1146 Rte. 28
City/Town: Yarmouth
State: MA
Zip Code: 02664
Business Hours: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (Mon-Fri)
County: Barnstable
World Wide Web Address: http://www.yarmouth.ma.us
Area Code: 508
Main Telephone: 508-398-2231
Main Fax: 508-398-2365
Police Department: 508-775-0445
Fire Department: 508-398-2212
Public Works: 508-398-2231, ext. 290
Planning: 508-398-2231
Schools: 508-398-7600
Library: 508-760-4822
Town Clerk: 508-398-2231, ext. 257
City Council:
Board of Selectmen: 508-398-2231 ext.271
City Clerk:



DHCD Community Profile

Added Jan 6, 2002
Updated Sept 4, 2011




Yarmouth Fire Department History

* Fire Department Organization
* Fire Chiefs
* Fire Station History
* Fire Apparatus History
* Major Fires & Incidents History
* Run Stats History



The Yarmouth Fire Department was established in December 1930.  A serious fire that destroyed Dr. Hart's house on Main Street (Route 6A) Yarmouthport across from the library on October 13, 1930 caused local citizens to form the department.  A December 13, 1930 town meeting authorized $75,000 to develop a water supply for Yarmouthport and $17,000 for two fire engines.  The first engine arrived on January 13, 1931 and was stationed in South Yarmouth at Ernie Baker's garage next to Standish Hall on Old Main Street.  A siren was placed on the roof of the garage.  Gilbert Studley was appointed chief engineman for Company No.1.  A fire company of 18 men was organized by February 3rd.  Shortly after Company 1 was organized, the second pumper was delivered to the northside.  Frederick Stobbart was appointed chief engineman for Company 2.  The engine was housed in a garage at Hermon Rogers at the corner of Hallet Street (Route 6a) and Old Church Street.  A siren was also placed on the roof of that garage. 

 In 1937, the Yarmouth FD boasted a department of 36 firemen.  It also claimed to be the only town of its size with a ladder truck (45 feet in length)...equipped with a 50 foot truss ladder, 35 foot beam ladder, and various roof ladders, as well as first aid equipment, inhalators, and gas masks. 

By 1945 the water system had finally extended to South Yarmouth and into West Yarmouth.  The northside fire station No.2 was built in 1946.  In 1947, Station 3 was built in West Yarmouth  In 1950, Oliver Studley was appointed the first Chief of Department for the entire town. 

In 1952, Chief Dana Whittemore took over the helm and served until 1975.  Chief Whittemore was one of the early proponents of a mutual aid system in Barnstable County and the Yarmouth Fire Department served as the Mutual Aid Center for many years.  Yarmouth FD took over the ambulance from the Yarmouth Police Department in April 1973.  There were 927 EMS calls in the remainder of 1973 as well as 511 fire calls for a total of 1438 runs. Chief Wittenmore retired in 1975. Chief John Clemence served from 1978 to 1983. 

Chief David Akin served from 1983 until 1995.  In 1986 an addition was made on the South Yarmouth Fire Station 1 providing apparatus room and living quarters.  In 1989, a major renovation and addition was made to Station 2 in Yarmouthport.  In October 1989, Yarmouth staffed Station 2 24 hours a day.  In 1993 a Technical Rescue Team was established in Yarmouth trained in collapse, trench, and confined space rescue.  In 1995, Dennis Brown became fire chief.

With the retirement of Chief Brown, Deputy C. Randall Sherman was promoted to Fire Chief in 2004. Peter Raiskio then served as Deputy Chief. Deputy Raiskio passed away in Feb 2007. Robert Kelleher became Deputy Chief.

In January 2008, the new West Yarmouth Fire Station 3 opened on Buck Island Road. The three bay drive through station was a significant improvement for the West Yarmouth area. Unfortunately, budget challenges resulted in the station being closed within its first year. Eventually the station reopened and continues to provide improved service to the West end of town.

In 2009, Michael Walker became fire chief.  
Deputy Chief Robert Kelleher retired in 2010, having served as Acting Chief for a time after Chief Sherman's retirement. .
Phil Simonian was promoted to Deputy Chief in 2010.

(Info from Yarmouth FD records and other sources)

Fire Chief Michael Walker (2009) (Car 551) (2009-2013)

In 2013 Deputy Phillip Simonian became acting fire chief.  He was officially promoted to Fire Chief in 2014.  Captain/Insp Jon Sawyer was promoted to Deputy Chief in 2014.



2023-Present              - Enrique Arrascue
2022-2023                 - Acting Chief Jon Sawyer
2014-2022                 - Philip Simonian
2013-2014                 - Philip Simonian    (acting chief)
2009-2013                 - Michael Walker     (Jan 2009)
2008-2009                 - Robert Kelleher     (acting chief 11-10-08)
2004-2008                 - Randel Sherman
1995-2004                 - Dennis Brown
1983-1995                 - David Akin
1975-1983                 - John Clemence
1952-1975                 - Dana Whittemore
1950-1952                 - Oliver Studley        (first Chief)

Deputy Chiefs
2024-Present            - Deputy Scott Smith
2023-2024                - Deputy Jon Sawyer
2022-2023                - Acting Deputy Kevin Huck
2013-Present             - Jon Sawyer
2010-2013                 - Philip Simonian
2007-2010                 - Robert Kelleher     (retired Nov 2010)
2007-                         - Allen Bent              (acting deputy)
       -                          - Peter Raiskio





1995 Apparatus Roster
Station 1 - South Yarmouth      
41      Ladder 41            - 1974 ('85) Seagrave rm 100' Aerial Ladder (former FDNY L49)
43      Engine 43             - 1985 Pierce Arrow 1000/500 Pumper  (Jaws)
45      Engine 45             - 1975 Maxim F/'86 Ranger 1000/500 Pumper
49      Squad 49              - 1969 ('95) Ford/Hackney Rollup Special Rescue Support unit
50      Squad 50              - 1973 Ford F350/Prov Body Type I Dive Truck
51      C-1                       - 1993 Ford LTD Fire Chief David Akin
52      C-2                       - 1993 GMC Suburban Deputy William Green
53      Rescue 53             - 1995 Chevy/National Type I Ambulance (EMS 341)
54      Rescue 54             - 1992 International/Road Rescue Type I Ambulance (EMS 342)
55      Rescue 55             - 1988 Ford E350/Frontline Type III Ambulance (EMS 343)
56      Car 56                   - Yarmouth Water Department Unit
57      Car 57                   - 1988 Ford F150 Pickup Truck
          Boat                      -        Boston Whaler 13' / Johnson 25hp Boat
          Ice                         -        Zodiac 8' Inflatable Ice Boat
          Trench                   - 1993 Pace Arrow Special Hazards Trench Trailer
          Haz                        - 1992 Wells Cargo Pollution Control Trailer

Station 2 - Yarmouth Port      
42      Engine 42              - 1990 KME 1250/500 Pumper (Jaws)
44      Engine 44              - 1987 Ford F8000/American Eagle 1250/500 Pumper
46      Forestry 46            - 1994 Ford F350/Fire Resources 250/175 Forestry
58      Car 58                   - 1988 GMC Suburban Fire Prevention Vehicle

Station 3 - West Yarmouth  (old station Lewis Road)      
47      Engine 47              - 1966 Maxim F 1000/750 Pumper  (lime)
48      Engine 48              - 1978 Ford F8000/E-One 1000/500 Pumper (lime)


1992 Apparatus Roster
Station 1 - South Yarmouth      
41      Ladder 41            - 1974 ('85) Seagrave rm 100' Aerial Ladder (former FDNY L49)
43      Engine 43             - 1985 Pierce Arrow 1000/500 Pumper  (Jaws)
45      Engine 45             - 1975 Maxim F/'86 Ranger 1000/500 Pumper
49      Engine 49             - 1959 Ford F800/Farrar fm 500/800 Forestry Pumper
50      Squad 50              - 1973 Ford F350/Prov Body Type I Dive Truck
51      C-1                       - 1985 Ford LTD Fire Chief David Akin
52      C-2                       - 1988 GMC Suburban Deputy William Green
53      Rescue 53             - 1988 Ford E350/Frontline Type III Ambulance (EMS 341)
54      Rescue 54             - 1992 International/Road Rescue Type I Ambulance (EMS 342)
56      Car 56                   - Yarmouth Water Department Unit
57      Car 57                   - 1988 Ford F150 Pickup Truck
          Boat                      -        Boston Whaler 13' / Johnson 25hp Boat
          Ice                         -        Zodiac 8' Inflatable Ice Boat

Station 2 - Yarmouth Port      
42      Engine 42              - 1990 KME 1250/500 Pumper (Jaws)
44      Engine 44              - 1987 Ford F8000/American Eagle 1250/500 Pumper
46      Forestry 46            - 1956 Dodge PW 4x4/Farrar 100/300 Forestry
58      Car 58                   - 1984 Chevy Suburban Fire Prevention Vehicle

Station 3 - West Yarmouth  (old station Lewis Road)      
47      Engine 47              - 1966 Maxim F 1000/750 Pumper  (lime)
48      Engine 48              - 1978 Ford F8000/E-One 1000/500 Pumper (lime)


1979 Apparatus Roster
Station 1               Main Street, South Yarmouth
40        C-2           Deputy William Greene
41        C-1           Fire Chief Jack Clements
43        Engine 3   1975 Maxim F 1000/750 Pumper. Deckgun
47        Engine 1   1950 Maxim S 750/500 Pumper
48        Engine 5   1972 Maxim F 1000/750 Pumper
50        Rescue 3   1974 Ford/Providence Body Modulance. Jaws
52        Truck 1     1950s Dodge 500 gallon brush breaker
53        Rescue 1   1978 Dodge van/Horton Class I Modulance. Lifepak 4. EMS 341
54        Rescue 2   1975 Dodge van/Horton Class II Modulance. Lifepak 4. EMS 342
            Engine 9    1950s Ford/American LaFrance 500/500 Pumper - Reserve

Station 2                Yarmouthport
42        Engine 4     1967 GMC/Maxim 750/500 Pumper. Deckgun
45        Engine 2     1953 American LaFrance 750/500 Pumper
49        Engine 6     1956 Dodge PW 100/300 Brush Truck

Station 3                 West Yarmouth
44        Engine 7     1966 Maxim F 1000/750 Pumper. Lime
46        Engine 8     1979 Ford/Emergency One tm1000/500 Pumper. Lime.


Apparatus Roster in 1975
Engine 1
Engine 2
Engine 3
Engine 4
Engine 5
Engine 6
Engine 7
Engine 8
Engine 9




Major Fires and Emergencies  
1930 - Oct 13 - A major fire destroyed the home of Dr. Hart on Main Street in Yarmouthport across from the library.  Since Yarmouth did not have any fire equipment, apparatus came from as far away as Hyannis, Centerville, Brewster, Harwich, and Falmouth.  The Centerville pumper pumped 2 hours.
1985 - Feb 9 - The 130 year old 2 1/2 story Lukes Market at Main Street & Route 28 was destroyed by a 4 alarm fire at 0530 hours.  A bitter cold morning hampered efforts of 50 firefighters from several departments.
1988 - Jan 30 - A 3 alarm fire at Huntington Ave damaged a 210 foot long space metal building effecting 5 businesses.
1989 - June 17 - A military helicopter crashed in foggy conditions when it ran out of fuel trying to find Barnstable Airport.  It crashed in a wooded area off Tall Pines Drive in Yarmouthport at 0003 hours killing all 6 onboard.
1991 - June 10 - A 10 inch high pressure gas main leak and explosion injured 4 workers on Whites Path.
1995 - Feb 16 - A fast moving fire took the life of an 8 year old boy at 14 Sullivan Road, West Yarmouth at 2337 hours.
2024 - Nov 3 - 1825 hrs - 2nd Alarm, old Anthony's Cummaquid Inn, Route 6A.



Incident History
Year            Fire            EMS            Total
1980                                                  2,553
1992          1,543             2,531           4,074
1993          1,688             2,655           4,343
1994          1,831             2,820           4,651
2000                                                 4,947
2001                                                 5,306
2002            918             4,378          5,296
2003                                                 5,375
2004                                                 5,566
2005                                                 5,917
2006                                                 5,900
2007                                                 6,135
2008                                                 6,450
2009                                                 6,271
2010                                                 6,694
2011                                                 6,795                   
2012                                                 6,478              
2013                                                 6,709
2014                                                 6,347
2015                                                 7,096
2016                                                 7,265
2017                                                 7,211
2018                                                 7,303
2019                                                 7,413
2020                                                 7,040
2021                                                 7,567
2022                                                 7,822
2023                                                 8,493
2024                                                 8,194

Updated January 25, 2025


Yarmouth Radio

Yarmouth Fire Radio Call Sign................KNCS 289.........."Yarmouth Fire"
Yarmouth Dispatch ID.............................Yarmouth Fire Alarm
Yarmouth Fire Frequency........................33.58 Mhz..............PL 114.8
Yarmouth County Frequency...................33.70 Mhz..............PL 114.8
Yarmouth Fire Ch.2 Admin......................461.200 Mhz........ PL  203.5
Yarmouth 800 Backup..............................854.9625.............. PL 146.2          
Yarmouth Fire 800 Talkgroup..................37872....................Simulcast 33.58
Yarmouth Radio Tone Test......................1810 Hours
Yarmouth Apparatus Numbers................ 40-59  & 540-588
Yarmouth FD Old Call Sign.....................KCD 246...............No longer used

Yarmouth Police Radio Call Sign.............KCA 369...............County Callsign
Yarmouth Police Dispatch ID..................KNPE 241............"Yarmouth Police"
Yarmouth Police Frequency....................855.2375 Mhz........Conventional 800
Yarmouth Police Old Freq......................155.055 Mhz..........Old Yar Ops
Yarmouth Police County Freq.................155.565 Mhz......... Old Ch.1
Yarmouth Police 800 Trunk Group..........38544....................Not utilized
Yarmouth Police 800 County Group........36496....................County Talkgroup
Yarmouth Police Unit IDs........................."J" Cars

Yarmouth Water District..........................47.78
Yarmouth Water District..........................153.620
Yarmouth Water District..........................173.210


Yarmouth Station Apparatus Assignments

Station 1............South Yarmouth
Engine 43............2017 Pierce Dash 4CF PUC 1500/500 Pumper
Engine 47............2005 Pierce Enforcer 1500/500 Pumper
Tower 41............2004 Pierce 2000/300  100' Quint Aerial Tower (2019 Refurb)
Ambulance 53.....2020 Dodge RAM / Horton Type I Ambulance (EMS 341)
Ambulance 55.....2015 International TerraStar / Life Line Type I Ambulance (EMS 343)
Squad 46.............1994 Ford F350 / Fire Resources 250/175 Forestry
Squad 50.............2016 International / Pierce Special Operations Squad Truck
Car 51.................2016 Chevy Tahoe 4x4 SUV Fire Chief Car Enrique Arrascue
Car 52.................2017 Chevy Tahoe SUV Deputy Chief Car Scott A Smith
Car 58.................2023 Ford F150 4 dr Pickup Fire Prev Car
Car 59................ 2021 Dodge Durango Fire Prev Car
Car 560...............2018 Chevy 3500 4x4 Utility Body Pickup Truck
Car 561...............2013 Chevy 3500 4x4 Pickup Truck
Marine 563.........2007 (2018) Safeboat 25' / 2 Mercury 250hp Rescue Boat (Bass River)
Marine 564.........2000 Zodiac 18 foot Inflatable Rescue Boat
ATV 567.............2015 Polaris Ranger 6x6 ATV
Collapse..............1993 Technical Rescue / Collapse Trailer
Haz Mat...............1992 Wells Cargo Pollution Control Trailer
DEP.....................2007 Mass DEP Oil Spill Prevention & Response Trailer

Station 2 ...........Yarmouth Port
Engine 42............2022 (2020) Pierce Enforcer 3CF PUC 1500/750/30 Pumper HR
Engine 44............1999 Emergency One 1250 / 500 Pumper - HR (old 43)
Forestry 40......... 2016 Chevy Silverado 3500 4x4 100/200/10A Forestry
Ambulance 56.....2018 Dodge Ram/Horton Type I Ambulance (EMS 340) 

Marine 565.........2015 Seawolf 12' Rigid hull boat  Yamaha 20HP


Station 3 ............West Yarmouth 
Engine 45............2011 Pierce Impel PUC 1500 / 500 / 30 / 50 Pumper - HR
Engine 48............2008 Pierce Enforcer 1250 / 500 /20A/50B CAFS Pumper - HR (was 42)
Forestry 49..........2012 (1975) AM General 6x6 250/650  Forestry Truck
Ambulance 54.....2012 International TerraStar / LifeLine Type I Ambulance (EMS 342)
Ambulance 57......2019 Dodge Ram 5500 / Horton Type I Ambulance  (EMS 339)
Marine 566..........2004 Yamaha Jet Ski
Car 562................2004 Ford Expedition EMS Officer Car
Fire Prev..............2007 Interstate Fire Prevention Trailer
HazMat 14............2008 GMC 5500/Rosenbauer MA Dist 1 Haz Mat Squad





Yarmouth Sample Run Cards
(As listed at BCC May 2023)


 YARMOUTH  FIRE                                                    (CCFD Updated 05-15-23)




  RUN CARD Sample Metro Card  
  DISTRICT 1 YARMOUTH - South Yarmouth ;area  
  1ST ALARM To Scene     [4E-2LT-1A-1C]  
    Yarmouth - Engine - Sta 1
Yarmouth - Engine - Sta 2
Yarmouth - Engine - Sta 3
Yarmouth - Ladder Tower
Yarmouth - Ambulance
Yarmouth - Chief
Yarmouth - Deputy
  Line Response Dennis - Engine
Hyannis - Ladder Tower
  WORKING FIRE To Scene     [1E-1A-2C]  
    Yarmouth - Engine
Brewster - Ambulance
Dennis - Chief
Hyannis - Chief
  W/F COVERAGE Station Coverage     [1E-1LQ-2A]      
    Station 1 - Harwich - Engine
                  Chatham - Ambulance
Station 2 - Barnstable - Ladder Quint
                 Dennis - Ambulance
Station 3 -
  2ND ALARM To Scene     [2E-1LQ-2C]  
    Harwich - Engine (from Cover 1)
Hyannis - Engine
Barnstable - Ladder Quint (from Cover 2
Harwich - Chief
Barnstable - Chief
Providence - Canteen
  2ND COVERAGE Station Coverage     [2E-2A]      
    Station 1 - Harwich - 2nd Engine
                 Chatham - Ambulance (Covering from W/F)
Station 2 - West Barnstable - Engine
                 Dennis - Ambulance (Covering from W/F)
Station 3 - COMM - Engine
  3RD ALARM To Scene     [2E-1A-1C]  
    Harwich - 2nd Engine (from Cover 1)
COMM - Engine (from Cover 3)
Chatham - Ambulance (from Cover 1)
COMM - Chief
  3RD COVERAGE Station Coverage     [3E-2A]      
    Station 1 - West Barnstable - Engine (from Cover 2)
                 Dennis - Ambulance (from Cover 2)
Station 2 - Sandwich - Engine
                  COMM - Ambulance
Station 3 - Mashpee - Engine 
  4TH ALARM To Scene     [2E-1LT-1C]  
    West Barnstable - Engine (from Cover 1)
Mashpee - Engine (from Cover 3)
Orleans - Ladder Tower
West Barnstable - Chief
  4TH COVERAGE Station Coverage     [2E-2A]      
    Station 1 - Sandwich - Engine (from Cover 2)
                  Dennis - Ambulance (from Cover 2)
Station 2 -
                  COMM - Ambulance (Covering from 3rd) 
Station 3 - Joint Base - Engine 
  5TH ALARM To Scene     [                ]    



  5TH COVERAGE Station Coverage     [          ]      



  TOTALS Alarm     ENGS    LADD     AMB     CHIEF     SPEC
1st           3           1              1           1+                 
Line         1           1              0           0
W/F         1           0              1           1
2nd          2           1              0           1
3rd          2            0              1           1
4th           2           1               0           1
5th           0           0               0           0
TOTAL - 4 Alarms
TOTAL - 11 Engines
TOTAL - 4 Ladders
TOTAL - 3 Ambulances
TOTAL - 6 Chiefs
  Ladders 1 DENNIS
  Breakers 1 COTUIT
4 DCR-1
  Ambulances 1 DENNIS
4 DENNIS 2nd

  May 2023        
  South Yarmouth area  




1ST  E43-E42-E45-L41-AMB    
WF L110-HAR AMB         SY-E48
2ND E47-E48-E44-H821-C51-C229-EMS    SY-E112  YP-E205
3RD E112-E205-BR AMB-C101    SY-E826  YP-E107  SY-CO AMB  WD-E69  HA-E65
4TH E826-E107-C801     SY-E69  YP-E233  WD-E65  HA-E64  EH-E185
5TH E69-C61-OR AMB-E233     SY-E304  YP-E294











1ST E42-E43-E44-L41-AMB      
WF L206-HAR AMB    YP-E48
2ND E45-E47-E48-E107-H241-C51-C229-EMS     YP-E826  SY-E112
3RD E826-E112-OR AMB-C101      YP-E205  SY-E69  HA-E65  SY-CO AMB 
ND-E233  BA-E294
4TH E205-E69-C801    YP-E233  SY-E822  HY-E304
5TH E233-E822-SA AMB-C231     YP-E294  SY-E115  WD-E65  HA-E185  BA-E452











1ST E42-E43-E44-C41-AMB     
WF L206-BR AMB-E48    YP-E107
2ND E45-E47-E48-E107-H821-C51-C229-EMS   YP-E233  SY-E112
3RD E233-E112-SA AMB-C101   YP-E234  SY-CO AMB  SY-E826  BR-E175
4TH E234-E205-C801    YP-E826  SY-E115  BA-E294  WD-E69  HA-E65
5TH E826-E294-CH AMB-C201    YP-E823  HY-E304  BA-E452











1ST E43-E42-E47-E48-E826-L41-AMB       
WF CO AMB        
2ND E45-E44-H821-R51-C229-EMS     SY-E112  YP-E205
3RD E112-E205-BR AMB-C801     SY-E69  YP-E107  HA-E65  SY-OR AMB
4TH E823-E69-C101     SY-E107  YP-E233  HY-E304
5TH E304-E107-SA AMB-C201   SY-E115  WD-E65  HA-E185  HY-E305  CE-E263  












(5/31/03)   (REVISED 11/01)

Note:  The run cards above are a partial listing provided for quick reference only.  Additional coverage assignments for other fire departments were left off for simplicity purposes.  These run cards are in effect as of the date posted with them.  It is interesting to use the run cards to track and compare the flow of apparatus to fires in various parts of town.  It is important to remember that these cards reflect resources available when they were written.  Additional apparatus, changes in station assignments, staffing issues, and individual department policies may have changed since these cards were written.  This may  have an effect on the actual apparatus response to incidents when they occur.