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Fire Department

Department Profile


The Falmouth Fire Department was established in 1897................ Falmouth Fire Department protects 31,531 citizens within 44.52 square miles...............Falmouth operates from 5 staffed fire stations with a shift strength of 14 personnel, a minimum of 10 per shift..............Falmouth responded to 6,280 incidents in 2013..............


Falmouth Fire Department
399 Main Street
Falmouth, MA  02540
Run Cards
Emergency   911
Emergency   508-548-2323
Business       508-495-2500
FAX              508-495-2519
Dispatch       774-255-4527 Public Safety Disp
750 Main St
Fire Alarm    KCD 244
800 Talk       37552
Radio Low    33.78   114.8
Dispatch       Falmouth FD-PD Dispatchers

Fire Chief Timothy Smith     C-11  

Falmouth, Massachusetts
Barnstable County
Upper Cape Cod Region

Established 1897
5 Fire Stations     33 Apparatus
84 Personnel  84 Career  0 Call
Apparatus 10-39

Area             44.1 Square Miles
Population    31,531   (2010)
Density        713 per sq mile
                     [Wiki data]

2000   4,671 Calls
2010   6,054 Calls
2020   7,372 Calls
2023   8,493 Calls
2024   9,007 Calls

Sta.1    Sta.2
Sta.3    Sta.4

7 Engines
1 Ladder
1 Brush
5 Ambs
1 Dive
11 Cars
8 Misc

Falmouth Fire Rescue Department Town Site
Falmouth Fire Rescue Facebook

Falmouth Firefighters Local 1397 Facebook

Falmouth Pulic Safety Communications Town Site

Falmouth Fire & Rescue on Broadcastify


Leadership - Officers:
Fire Chief Timothy Smith  (P)                    Car 11        (Actg 08/01/20 - Full Dec 9, 2020)
Deputy Chief Scott Thrasher  (P)                      12        (Actg 02/2016 / full 06/2016)
Deputy Chad Absten (P)                                   12         (Actg 08/01/20 -Full Dec 9, 2020 )

Fire Prevention Lt Craig O'Malley (P)       Car 13
Fire Inspector Boyd Demello,                    Car 13
Fire Inspector Allen Rivera                       Car 14         (2017)
EMS Officer _______________                Car 33        (2020)

Master Mechanic John Rose
Asst Master Mechanic__________
Fire Alarm Super. (Discontinued)
Admin Asst Kimberlee Strohm
Fire Prevention Clerk Joan Geggat

Group 1: Captain Robert T Bergeron Jr (P)   
                 Lt Mark Deyo  (P)
                 Lt Ann Bartos   (P)
Group 2: Captain Scott Starbard  (P)                  
                 Lt Ben Wellington (P)
                 Lt Jeffery Waggett (P)
Group 3: Captain Sean Ellis     
                 Lt Patrick Friel
                 Lt Chris Hamblin  (P)

Group 4: Captain Ryan P. Gavin (P)     
                Lt Chris Cowen  (P)
                Lt Tim Bailey   (P)

IAFF: Local 1397. Falmouth Personnel are civil service.

Email Contact
General Info:
Administrative Officer Clerk:     
Fire Prevention:                           fireprevention@falmouthfirema.gov


Phone Directory
508-495-2500    Fire Department Business-Non Emergency
774-255-4527    Fal PD - Public Safety Dispatch
508-495-2510    Business/Admin
508-495-2511    Fire Chief Tim Smith
508-495-2512    Duty Deputy   
508-495-2513    Deputy Scott Thrasher
508-495-2514    Deputy Chad Absten
508-495-2517    Admin Asst Kimberlee Strohm
508-495-2519    FAX
508-495-2530    Fire prevention/Fire Alarm
508-495-2531    Admin Office Clerk Joan Geggatt
508-495-2533    FPO Lt Craig O'Malley
508-495-2534    FPO Boyd Demello
508-495-2535    FPO Allen Rivera
508-495-2540    Fire Prev FAX
508-495-2550    EMS Officer
508-495-2560    Duty Officer

Total Personnel: 84

Career Personnel: 84
(1)   Fire Chief
(2)   Deputy Chiefs
(4)   Shift Captains
(8)   Shift Lieutenants
(60) Firefighters
(3)   Fire Prevention Officers
(1)   EMS Officer
(2)   Mechanics
(0)   Fire Alarm Superintendent
(  )   Fulltime Dispatchers (Moved to Public Safety Comm Center at Police)
(  )   Part-time Dispatchers
(2)   Admin Secs

(46)  Paramedics, 
(28)  Basic EMTs,
(   )   First Responders


Call Personnel:0
(0) Call personnel     
      Falmouth FD disbanded the Call department Spring 2014.

(    )  Paramedics, 
(    )  Basic EMTs,
(   )   First Responders
Staffing:  (Effective April 2023)
There are 4 groups of (18) personnel  (up from 16)
The Minimum staffing is (16) working per shift.
Each group works an average 42 hour week on an 8 day rotation
Each week includes (2) 24 hour days 0700-0700 
The work Schedule is (1) On, (1) Off, (1) On, (5) days off......(1-1-1-5)
(1) 24 On 0700-0700, (1) 24 Off, (1) 24 On 0700-0700, and (5) 24 Day Off
Went to 24 hour shifts Mar 3, 2002. Previously 2-2-4 schedule.

Department anticipates hiring additional staffing to open new Hatchville Station. 2023

Station staffing is:           (8) Sta 1, (2) Sta 2, (2) Sta 3, (2) Sta 4, (4) Sta 5 
The minimum staffing is: (6) Sta 1, (2) Sta 2, (2) Sta 3, (2) Sta 4, (4) Sta 5 


Station 1 staffing is:    (1) Captain, (1) Lieut., (6) FFs
Station 2 staffing is:    (2) FFs
Station 3 staffing is:    (2) FFs
Station 4 staffing is:    (2) FF (0) if unable to staff
Station 5 staffing is:    (1) Lt  (3) FFs
Station 6 - New Hatchville Station under construction 2023

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dispatched By:
FAL - Falmouth Consolidated Communications Center since Jan 2017
Fire-EMS-Police-other agencies dispatched
Located in Falmouth Police Station, 750 Main St, Falmouth

Communication Administrator Christopher Campbell

Previously dispatched by Falmouth Fire Department civilian dispatchers at fire station.
(3) fulltime working (8) hour shifts, and (3) part-time.

E-911 Info
E911 PSAP:          BSO - Barnstable Sheriff's Department
E911 Backup:       BARNPD - Barnstable Police Department
911 Secondary:     FALM - Dispatch by Falmouth Public Safety Dispatchers




Fire Chief Mike Small   (Actg 01-15-2016 /full 06-08-2016 to 07-31-20)
Deputy Chief Glen Rogers left to become Fire Chief in Manchester by the Sea, MA Oct 2012.

Fire Chief Mark Sullivan served Acting Oct 2010, Chief Sept, 2011 to Jan 15, 2016
Deputy Chief Michael F Small  (P) (Acting10/2010 & Deputy 9/2011)

Master Mech John Rose Retired 2023


Updated January 25, 2025


Falmouth Police Department
750 Main Street, Falmouth, MA 02540

Emergency 911   Emergency 508-548-1212
Business  774-255-4527   Fax 508-457-2566

Police Chief Jeffery Lourie (2023)

Police Chief Edward Dunne (Oscar 1) 2014
Replaced Anthony Riello  (Oscar 1 )

58 sworn officers, 5 seasonal, 6 civilians

Falmouth Police Department


Falmouth Information

Incorporated as a town 1689

Town of Falmouth Website

City/Town Name: Town of Falmouth
2010 Population: 31,531
2000 Population: 31,431
1990 Population: 27,960
Registered Voters: 26,038
2000 School Enrollments: 3,739
Population Over 65: 5,271
Square Miles: 44.52
Public Road Miles: 346.67
Income Per Capita: $30119
Median Family Income: $40,655
EQV Per Capita: $363,981
Avg. Tax Bill: $3,789
Residential Tax Rate: $8.00
Commercial Tax Rate: $8.00
Operating Budget: $121,734,231

Massachusetts Municipal Association

City/Town Name: Town of Falmouth
Community Profiles: http://www.magnet.state.ma.us/cc/falmouth.html
City/Town Hall Address: 59 Town Hall Square
City/Town: Falmouth
State: MA
Zip Code: 02540
Business Hours: 8 a.m.­4:30 p.m. (Mon-Fri)
County: Barnstable
World Wide Web Address: http://www.falmouthmass.us/index.php
Area Code: 508
Main Telephone: 548-7611
Main Fax: 457-2511
Police Department: 457-2537
Fire Department: 457-2538
Public Works: 548-7611
Schools: 548-0151
Library: 457-2537
Town Clerk: 548-7611
City Council:
Board of Selectmen: 548-7611
City Clerk:

MMA Community Profile

Added Jan 6, 2002
Updated January 31, 2014


Fire Department History

* Fire Department Organization
* Fire Chiefs
* Fire Station History
* Fire Apparatus History
* Major Fires & Incidents History
* Run Stats History



Before a Fire Department
The Falmouth Fire Department history dates back to the late 1800's. 
Town Meeting had appointed Fire Wards or Wardens in villages for years to organize men primarily to fight forest fires.
Prior to 1897, people within the villages of Falmouth banded together and brought buckets, brooms, and other tools to the call of fire.  Efforts were often disorganized and ultimately fairly ineffective. In many cases, fires easily destroying structures and property. 

Fire Department Organized 1897
In 1897, the Town Meeting of Falmouth allocated about $700 for a "minimal fire department." 
The town purchased a hand drawn soda & acid chemical unit and a hand drawn ladder wagon. Hoses and badges were also purchased.  About 4 extinguishers and a supply of soda and acid was also acquired. A building was built on Main Street to house them in 1897. Five members served as a Board of Engineers to organize the fire department.

By 1899, there were (5) No.3 (6'-7') hand drawn hose reels in service with 250'-500' of unlined hose on each reel. There was up to 5,000' of 2.5" hose total.
Hose reels were initially housed in five rented sheds:
1  at Falmouth center at the Lewis Village Stable,
2  at the old Primary School on Palmer Ave next to Swift's Grain Store,
3  at Quissett,
4  at West Falmouth
5  at Woods Hole. 

In 1902, the Town did significant development and expansion of a water department occurred, with hydrants in Falmouth Center and Woods Hole. 

By 1905, the fire department consisted of 95 call men under Chief Wilfred E Godfrey. A bell installed on Town Hall alerted firemen and first Gamewell alarm boxes were installed on Main Street, Locust St, and Gifford St. Woods Hole would soon follow.

Original Fire Department
A volunteers chief commanded the department.  Companies organized in town included:
Hose No.1   Teaticket            (1897)  Area of current Mall & Stop Shop
Hose No.2   East Village       (1897)  Area of current HQ
H&L Co.2   East Village        (1897) Area of current HQ
Hose No.3   West Village      (1897)  Area of village green
Hose No.4   Quissett              (1902)  Area of lights between town and Woods Hole
H&L No.4   Quissett              (1909)  Area of lights between town and Woods Hole
Hose No.5   Woods Hole       (1899)  On Water St (then Main)
Hose No.6   West Falmouth   (1904) 
Hose No.7   Falmouth Heights (1905)
Hose No.8   East Falmouth     (1906)
Hose No.9   North Falmouth   (1912)
Hose No.10 Waquoit              (1913)
Chem No.1  Main st                (1913)

The hand  drawn hose reels were limited in response due to the large areas that were involved.  In 1918, a New England Insurance Exchange study of Falmouth's fire and water departments recommended several improvements including hiring a fulltime fire chief, full-time firefighters, motorized fire apparatus, and other improvements.

By 1915, the department included 131 men, with 10 companies include 9 hose, 1 chemical pumping engine, a hook & ladder, and 64 extinguishers.

Reorganization 1919
In 1919, Ray D. Wells was hired as the first fulltime fire chief, serving for 36 years as chief until 1955. The department was reorganized, companies consolidated or eliminated, and fire stations built in the villages. Hand drawn apparatus was retired and the department was motorized in the early 1920s.. The Falmouth Headquarters was built on Main Street in 1929. A telegraph type fire alarm system was installed with call boxes distributed around town providing a "modern" alarm system. 

Early motorized apparatus included:
1919 - A small Ford Chemical Engine
1920 - A 750 gpm Ahrens Fox with chemical tank Engine 1
1920 - A motorized Hose Truck
1920 - A reconditioned Maxim Hose & Chemical Hose 5 in Woods Hole
1920 - The 1897 H&L moved to Woods Hole
1922 - A Ford Truck for North Falmouth
1922 - A Reo/Maxim city service ladder truck at HQ Ladder 1
1927 - Maxim Pumper for North Falmouth Engine 3
1927 - Ahrens Fox 1000 gpm Pumper Woods Hole Engine 2
1930 - Maxim Pumper Engine 5
1931 - Ahrens Fox city service Ladder Truck Ladder 1
1935 - Ford 800 gallon Tanker
1938 - Maxim city service Ladder Truck Woods Hole Ladder 2
1938 - Maxim 500/1000 Pumper Engine 5

Rescue Squad 1928
In 1928, Falmouth FD developed a "rescue squad" with a station wagon staffed by 1 fireman and some first aid equipment.  Patients could not be transported until a doctor came to the scene.  They were then transported to Wareham's Tobey Hospital, a trip of over 30 minutes.  Falmouth got its own hospital in 1962, greatly improving care for Falmouth residents.  EMT training began in 1973 with the founding of the Cape's EMS system and a grant by Johnson and Johnson Foundation.  Paramedics and modern rescue equipment followed.



2020-Present                 - Timothy Smith         (Actg Aug 2020 - Full Dec 9, 2020)
2016-2020                     - Michael Small         (June 2016 - July 2020)
2016-2016                     - Michael Small         (acting 01/2015 - /06/2016)
2011-2016                     - Mark Sullivan          (Sept 2011)
2010-2011                     - Mark Sullivan          (acting 10/2010 - 09/2011)
1997-2010                     - Paul D Brodeur        (Fire Chief)
1987-1996                     - George W Packish   (Fire Chief
1986-1987                     - Charles A Clarkin    (Actg Chief)
1977-1986                     - James F Rogers        (Fire Chief)
1955-1977                     - Leighton F "Pat" Peck  (Fire Chief)
1946-1955                     - Ray D Wells             (Fulltime Chief)
1942-1946                     - William Denham       (Actg while Chief Wells in WWII)       
1919-1942                     - Ray D Wells              (First Fulltime Chief)
1916-1919                     - Harry V Lawrence     (Chief Engineer)
1910-1915                     - George W Jones         (Chief Engineer
1906-1910                     - James M Watson        (Chief EngineerO
1905-1906                     - Wilfred E Godfrey     (Chief Engineer)
1898-1905                     - George E Dean           (Chief Engineer of Dept)
1897-1898                     - Board of Engineers

Deputy Chiefs
2020-Present                 - Chad Absten    (Actg Aug 2020 - Full Dec 9, 2020)
2016-Present                 - Scott Thrasher (actg 02/2016 / full 06/2016
2012-2020                     - Tim Smith        (Actg 11/2012 / full 04/2014)
2010-2011                     - Mike Small             (Deputy)
        -2012                     - Glen Rogers            (Deputy)
2000                              - Mark Sullivan         (Deputy)
1990s                             - Paul D Brodeur      (Deputy)
1985-1987                     - George W Packish  (Deputy)
1980s                             - Charles A Clarkin   (Deputy)
1970s                             - Russell E Robbins  (Deputy)
1970s                             - Clifford B Amaral  (Deputy)
1956-1977                     - James F Rogers      (Deputy)



1915 - Station 3 - North Falmouth Station, 212 Old Main St
1920 - Station 2 - New Woods Hole Station, 72 Water St
1929 - Station 1 - New HQ Station, 399 Main Street
1930 - Station 4 - New West Falmouth Station, 555 West Falmouth Highway
1930 - Station 5 - New East Falmouth Station
1950 - Station 3 - New North Falmouth Station, 204 Old Main St
1976 - Station 2 - New Woods Hole Station, 419 Woods Hole Road
1980 - Station 5 - New East Falmouth Station & Shops, 505 E Fal Highway
2002 - Station 1 - Major renovation to HQ at 399 Main St



1995 Apparatus Roster
Station 1 - Falmouth

20             Truck 20          - 1976 Dodge / Continental 250/300 Brush Breaker (red)
21             Engine 21        - 1989 Ford C / E-One 1250/500 Pumper  (red/white)
27             Truck 27          - 1988 Ford Pickup Fire Prevention
28             Truck 28          - 1988 Ford Pickup Duty Officer
31             Car 31             - 1995 Ford LTD Fire Chief George Packish  (maroon)
31A          Car 31A           - Deputy Charles Clarkin
31B          Car 31B           - Deputy Paul Broduer
31C          Car 31C           - 1989 Ford LTD Deputy Duty Car (red/white) was 31
32             Engine 32        - 1981 Hendrickson / Continental 1250/1000 Pumper (lime)
33             Truck 33          - 1987 Ford F150 4x4 Pickup - EMS Officer
34             Truck 34          - 1991 Ford Fire Alarm Bucket Truck  (red/white)
36             Rescue 36        - 1987 Ford CO / EVF Heavy Rescue (Jaws) (white/orange)
37             Rescue 37        - 1992 Ford E350 Excellence Type III Ambulance (EMS 312)
39             Rescue 39        - 1988 Ford E350/Excellence Type III Ambulance (EMS 313)
Boat          Boat                 -         17 foot Boston Whaler
                 Ice                    -         Ice Sled
                 Haz                   -         8' Haz Mat Trailer
                 Foam                -         Foam trailer - 18 5 gallon cans
                 Med 1               - Medic Gary Sabens
                 Med 2               - Medic Alden Cook
                 Med 3               - Medic Mark Albert
                 Med 5               - Medic Tim Smith
                 Med 6               - Medic Joe Farland
                 Med 7               - Lt/Medic Glen Rogers
                 Med 8               - Medic Mike Small

Station 2 - Woods Hole
22             Engine 22         - 1979 Maxim F 1250/500 Pumper (lime)
26             Ladder 26         - 1991 E-One 110' rm Aerial Ladder  (red/white)
E2             Eng 2                - 1927 Ahrens Fox 1000 gpm Antique  (red)

Station 3 - North Falmouth
15             Breaker 15        - 1971 International / Thibault 350/1000 Brush Breaker (red)
23             Engine 23          - 1987 Ford C / E-One 1250/500 Pumper  (red/white)

Station 4 - West Falmouth
24             Engine 24           - 1987 Ford C / E-One 1250/500 Pumper

Station 5 - East Falmouth
16             Car 16                - 1979 International Canteen Truck Falmouth CD
17             Truck 17             - 1981 ('94) Chevy Step Van Dive Truck
25             Engine 25           - 1989 Ford C / E-One 1250/500 Pumper
29             Truck  29            - 1988 Ford Pickup Mechanic
30             Breaker 30         - 1982 Ford / Farrar 300/700 Brush Breaker (lime)
35             Tank 35              - 1965 International / Maxim 250/1000 Tanker
38             Rescue 38          - 1989 Ford / Excellence Type III Ambulance (EMS 314)
L2             Ladder 2            - 1938 Maxim City Service Ladder Truck (old Ladder 2)


1992 Apparatus Roster
Station 1 - Falmouth

20             Truck 20           - 1976 Dodge / Continental 250/300 Brush Breaker (red)
21             Engine 21         - 1989 Ford C / E-One 1250/500 Pumper  (red/white)
27             Truck 27           - 1988 Ford Pickup Fire Prevention
28             Truck 28           - 1988 Ford Pickup Duty Officer
31             Car 31              - 1990 Ford LTD Fire Chief George Packish  (maroon)
31A          Car 31A            - Deputy Charles Clarkin
31B          Car 31B            - Deputy Paul Broduer
31C          Car 31C            - 1987 Ford LTD Deputy Duty Car (red/white)
32             Engine 32         - 1981 Hendrickson / Continental 1250/1000 Pumper (lime)
33             Truck 33           - 1987 Ford F150 4x4 Pickup - EMS Officer
34             Truck 34           - 1991 Ford Fire Alarm Bucket Truck  (red/white)
36             Rescue 36         - 1987 Ford CO / EVF Heavy Rescue (Jaws) (white/orange)
37             Rescue 37         - 1987 Ford / EVF Type III Ambulance (EMS 312) (white/orange)
38             Rescue 38         - 1989 Ford / Excellence Type III Ambulance (EMS 314) (whte/ornge)
Boat          Boat                  -        17 foot Boston Whaler

Station 2 - Woods Hole
22             Engine 22         - 1979 Maxim F 1250/500 Pumper (lime)
26             Ladder 26         - 1991 E-One 110' rm Aerial Ladder  (red/white)
E2             Eng 2                - 1927 Ahrens Fox 1000 gpm Antique  (red)

Station 3 - North Falmouth
15             Breaker 15        - 1971 International / Thibault 350/1000 Brush Breaker (red)
23             Engine 23          - 1987 Ford C / E-One 1250/500 Pumper  (red/white)

Station 4 - West Falmouth
24             Engine 24           - 1987 Ford C / E-One 1250/500 Pumper

Station 5 - East Falmouth
16             Car 16                - 1979 International Canteen Truck Falmouth CD
25             Engine 25           - 1989 Ford C / E-One 1250/500 Pumper
29             Truck  29            - 1988 Ford Pickup Mechanic
30             Breaker 30         - 1982 Ford / Farrar 300/700 Brush Breaker (lime)
35             Tank 35              - 1965 International / Maxim 250/1000 Tanker
39             Rescue 39           - 1988 Ford / Excellence Type III Ambulance (EMS 313) (whte/ornge)
L2             Ladder 2             - 1938 Maxim City Service Ladder Truck (old Ladder 2)



Early 1980s Apparatus Roster
Station 1 - Falmouth Center

20             Truck 20        - 1976 Dodge / Continental 60/300 brush breaker (red)
21             Eng 21           - 1979 Maxim F 1250/500 (lime)
26             Ladd 26         - 1969 American LaFrance 100' Aerial Ladder Truck (Jaws)  (red)
28             Truck 28        - 1981 Chevy 4x4 Pickup Duty Officer
28A          Car 28A         - Fire Inspector R Garnue
28B          Car 28B         - Fire Inspector Crocker
31             Car 31           - Fire Chief James Rogers
31A          Car 31A        - Deputy Chief Clifford Ameral
31B          Car 31B         - Deputy Chief Russell Robbins
31C          Car 31C         - Deputy Duty Car
39             Rescue 39      - 1979 Ford / Custom EVF Type III Ambulance (EMS 313) (white/orange)
Boat         Boat               - 16' Boston Whaler

Station 2 - Woods Hole
22              Eng 22          - 1962 Maxim S open 1000/500 Pumper (red)
27              Ladd 27        - 1938 Maxim S open 250/90 City Service Ladder (red)
27A           Truck 27A    - 1955 Dodge PW Lighting Plant  (red)
27B           Truck 27B     - 1927 Ahrens Fox 1000gpm Antique (red)

Station 3 - North Falmouth
15              Truck 15       - 1971 International / Thibault 500/1000 Brush Breaker (red)
23              Eng 23          - 1981 Hendrickson / Continental 1250/1000 Pumper (red) 

Station 4 - West Falmouth
24              Eng 24          - 1961 Maxim S open 1000/500 Pumper (red)

Station 5 - East Falmouth
25              Eng 25           - 1963 Maxim S 1000/1000 Pumper (red)
29              Truck 29        - 1981 Chevy Pickup Mechanic (red)
30              Truck 30        - 1982 Ford / Farrar 300/600 Brush Breaker (lime)
32              Eng 32           - 1956 Maxim S open 750/300 Pumper Reserve (lime)    
34              Truck 34        - 1983 Chevy Fire Alarm Bucket Truck  (lime)
35              Tank 35         - 1965 International / Maxim 350/1000 Tanker (red)
36              Car 36            - Falmouth CD Truck  (white)
36A           Car 36A         - Falmouth CD Director
37              Rescue 37      - 1978 Ford / Custom EVF Type III Ambulance (EMS 312) (whte/orge)
38              Rescue 38      - 1982 Ford / Custom EVF Type III Ambulance (EMS 314) (whte/orge)


1979 Apparatus Roster
Station 1                             Falmouth




Fires and Incidents in Falmouth:
1947 - October - A general alarm forest fire destroyed over 1,500 acres in Beebe Woods threatened Falmouth center.  
1963 - A general alarm fire destroyed Wood Lumber Company threatening downtown Falmouth with flying brands. 
1967-1968 - An organized arson spree resulted in dozens of working fires.  A 4 month period in 1968 saw 24 working house fires.  Many fires were multiple alarm and often more than one working fire occurred over night.  Most of the structures were vacant and injuries were few, but the damage and fear was extensive.
1986 - The Mirmar Mansion on Church Street in Woods Hole was destroyed by a multiple alarm fire.
1994 - February - The Falmouth Playhouse was destroyed by a 4 am fire.  The unoccupied landmark was 90% involved on arrival and soon collapsed.  Water supply problems and weather conditions added to the destruction of the large wooden building.  Units remained on scene for days.




Incident History
Year           Fire           EMS            Total
1950            98            183                281
1960           287           387                674
1970           670           589             1,259
1975           428           930             1,358
1980           833        1,561             2,394
1985           582           800             1,382  (reflects 1/2 year / change to fiscal year)
1990        1,027        2,138             3,165
1992        1,470        1,802             3,272
1993        1,065        2,123             3,188
1994           873        2,395             3,268
1995           906        2,481             3,387
1996        1,088        2,682             3,770
1997        1,196        2,739             3,935
1998        1,237        2,858             4,095
1999        1,079        3,138             4,217
2000                                               4,671    
2001                                               4,773  
2002         1,522       3,913             5,435
2003                                               5,485
2004                                               5,342
2005                                               5,455   
2006                                               5,544                    
2007                                               5,701
2008                                               6,011
2009                                               5,727
2010                                               6,054
2011                                               5,954
2012                                               6,237
2013                                               6,298     
2014                                               6,674
2015                                               6,966
2016                                               7,625
2017                                               7,801
2018                                               8,002
2019                                               8,159                                  
2020                                               7,372
2021                                               8,442
2022                                               8,920
2023                                               8,493
2024                                               9,007


Updated January 25, 2025




Falmouth Radio

Falmouth Fire Radio Call Sign.............KCD 244.............."Falmouth Fire"
Falmouth Dispatch ID...........................Falmouth Fire Alarm
Falmouth Fire Frequency......................33.78 Mhz..............PL 114.8
Falmouth County Frequency..................33.70 Mhz..............PL 114.8
Falmouth FD Admin 2...........................153.860 Mhz..........PL 110.9
Falmouth FD Admin 2 Callsign............"KNAW 742"........Also shared by Fal Housing
Falmouth Fire 800 Talkgroup...............37552....................Simulcast 33.78
Falmouth Radio Tone Test...................1800 Hours
Falmouth Apparatus Numbers..............10-39
Dispatched by.......................................Falmouth Fire Department Dispatchers

Falmouth Police Radio Call Sign...........KCA 372..............County Callsign
Falmouth Police Radio Call Sign...........WNNP 305..........Callsign
Falmouth Police Dispatch ID................"372"....................."Falmouth Police"
Falmouth Police Frequency...................851.4625 Mhz.......Conventional 800
Falmouth Police Old Freq....................155.640 Mhz.........Old Police Freq
Falmouth Police County Freq...............155.565 Mhz........ Old Ch.1
Falmouth Police 800 Trunk Group........38288...................Not utilized
Falmouth Police 800 County Group......36496...................County Talkgroup
Falmouth Police Unit IDs......................."O" Oscar Cars

Falmouth Water District.........................47.74..................PL 


Falmouth Station Apparatus Assignments

Station 1..............Falmouth
Engine 21............ 2018 Pierce Arrow XT 1500/720/30 Pumper (Jaws)

Ladder 26.............2021 Pierce ArrowXT 107' Ascendant rm Aerial Ladder Truck/H Rescue
Ambulance 39......2019 Ford F550/Lifeline Type I Ambulance (EMS 313)
Car 11..................2013 Ford Interceptor Fire Chief Car Timothy Smith
Car 12..................2020 Ford Expedition 4x4 Deputy Chief Car
Car 13..................2016 Ford Interceptor Fire Prevention Car
Car 14..................2016 Ford Interceptor Fire Prevention Car
Truck 27...............2020 Ford F250 4x4 Pickup Truck
Car 28..................2013 Ford Expedition 4x4 Duty Officer Vehicle
Car 33..................2016 Ford Interceptor EMS Officer
Med 34.................2014 Ford Expedition Duty Paramedic Vehicle
Dive 30................1996 (2005) Ford E350 Former B-Bus Dive Rescue Truck (was D35A)
Boat 1..................1967 17 Foot Boston Whaler / Mercury 50 hp Rescue Boat
Boat 2..................1998 Zodiac 10' / 10 hp Johnson Rescue Boat
Marine 1..............2005 Viking 31' /Honda 150s 350 gpm Fire/Rescue Boat
(Fal. Harbor)

Station 2..............Woods Hole
Engine 22.............2009 Pierce Arrow XT 1500/720/30 Pumper (Jaws)
36.... .2015 International / Life Line Type I Ambulance (EMS 315)
Haz Mat...............2000 Haz Mat / Pollution Control Trailer
Foam...................1990's Foam Supply Trailer
Ice....................... 2001 Hovercraft

Station 3..............North Falmouth
Engine 23.............2009 Pierce Arrow XT 1500/720/30 Pumper (HR)

Ambulance 38......2019 Ford F550 4x4/Lifeline Type I Ambulance (EMS 314)

Station 4..............West Falmouth
Engine 24.............1995 International / E-One 1250/750 Pumper  (was 20)

Station 5..............East Falmouth
Engine 10............2022 (2011) Pierce Contender 1250/500 Spare Pumper (white)
Engine 25........... 2016 Pierce Arrow XT 1500/750/30A Pumper - HR  (Jaw)
Breaker 18..........2009 (2010) International/V-Tec 250/750 Brush Breaker 
35......2009 International / Lifeline Type I Ambulance (EMS 311)
Ambulance 37......2019 Ford F550 4x4/Lifeline Type I Ambulance (EMS 312)
Truck 19..............1991 Ford / Liftall 32' Fire Alarm Bucket Truck
Truck 29..............2017 Ford F350 Pickup Truck Mechanic

Updated April 25, 2023




The Sample Run Cards
(As listed at BCC May 2023)


FALMOUTH  FIRE                                                      (CCFD Updated 12/13/13)


  RUN CARD Sample Metro Card  
  DISTRICT 1 FALMOUTH - Downtown area  
  1ST ALARM To Scene     [3E-1L-1C]  
    Falmouth - Engine 21
Falmouth - Engine 22
Falmouth - Engine 24
Falmouth - Ladder 26
Falmouth - Deputy Car 12
Falmouth - Command Car 28
  Line Response    
  WORKING FIRE To Scene     [2E-1A-1C]  
    Falmouth - Engine 25
Joint Base - Engine
Falmouth - Ambulance 38
Falmouth - Chief 11
  W/F COVERAGE Station Coverage     [3E-1A]      
    Station 1 - Cotuit - Engine
                 Sandwich - Ambulance
Station 2 -
Station 3 - Bourne - Engine
Station 4 - 
Station 5 - COMM - Engine
  2ND ALARM To Scene     [1E-1LT-1C]  
    Cotuit - Engine (from Cover 1)
Mashpee - Ladder Tower
Mashpee - Chief
Providence - Canteen
  2ND COVERAGE Station Coverage     [3E-1A]      
    Station 1 - COMM - Engine (from Cover 5)
Station 2 -
Station 3 - Bourne - Engine (Covering from W/F)
                 Bourne - Ambulance
Station 4 - 
Station 5 - Sandwich - Engine
  3RD ALARM To Scene     [2E-1A-1C]  
    COMM - Engine (from Cover 1)
Bourne - Engine (from Cover 3)
Sandwich - Ambulance (from Cover 1 on W/F)
Joint Base - Chief
  3RD COVERAGE Station Coverage     [3E-1A]      
    Station 1 - Sandwich - Engine (from Cover 5)
                 Bourne - Ambulance (from Cover 3)
Station 2 -
Station 3 - Onset - Engine
Station 4 - 
Station 5 - West Barnstable - Engine
  4TH ALARM To Scene     [1E-1LT-1C-1 Special]  
    Sandwich - Engine
Hyannis - Ladder Tower
Sandwich - Chief
Joint Base - Command Post 411
  4TH COVERAGE Station Coverage     [3E-1A]      
    Station 1 - West Barnstable - Engine (from Cover 5)
Station 2 -
Station 3 - Onset - Engine (Covering since 3rd)
                 Wareham - Ambulance
Station 4 - 
Station 5 - Yarmouth - Engine
  5TH ALARM To Scene     [2E-1A-1C]    
    West Barnstable - Engine (from Cover 1)
Onset - Engine (from Cover 3)
Bourne - Ambulance (from Cover 1)
Bourne - Chief
  5TH COVERAGE Station Coverage     [3E-1A]      
    Station 1 - Barnstable - Engine (from Cover 5)
                 Wareham - Ambulance (from Cover 3)
Station 2 -
Station 3 - Wareham - Engine
Station 4 - 
Station 5 - Yarmouth - Engine
  TOTALS Alarm     ENGS    LADD     AMB     CHIEF     SPEC
1st           3           1              0           1+                 
Line         0           0              0           0
W/F         2           0              1           1
2nd          1           1              0           1
3rd          2            0              1           1
4th           1           1               0           1
5th           2           0               1           1              CP 411
TOTAL - 5 Alarms
TOTAL - 11 Engines
TOTAL - 3 Ladders
TOTAL - 3 Ambulances
TOTAL - 5 Chiefs
  Ladders 1 MASHPEE
5 JOINT BASE  (No Longer Exists)
  Breakers 1 MASHPEE
5 BOURNE  (B128 No Longer a Breaker)
7 Cotuit           (Typo?)
8 SANDWICH 2nd (No longer exists)
  Tankers 1 MASHPEE
  Ambulances 1 MASHPEE
6 BOURNE 2nd
7 COMM 2nd
11 HYANNIS 2nd
  May 2023        
  Falmouth Center area  


Older Cards from 12/13/13

1ST E21-E22-E24-L26   /H31    
WF     FA-E25, E23   NF-E410   EF-E355 
2ND E23-E25-E410-RC229   FA-E355, R361  NF-E124  EF-E263  PO-E125 MA-E303  MM-E305
3RD E-355-LT356-E124-C141   FA-E263  NF-E122  EF-E303 
PO-E121  BB-ON E1 MA-E453  FO-E452
4TH E263-E303-L307-C371   FA-E122  NF-E121  EF-E453 
MA-E305  MM-ET296













1ST E25-E21-E24-L26 /H31    
WF     FA-E22, E23  NF-E410  EF-E355
2ND E22-E23-E355-RC229   FA-E410, A361  NF-E124  EF-E263    PO-E122 MA-E303  MM-E305
3RD E263-E410-LT126-C371   FA-E124  NF-E122  EF-E303 
MA-E453  PO-E121
BB-ON E1  FO-E452
4TH E124-E303-L307-C141   FA-E122  NF-E121  EF-E453 
MA-E305  BB-WA E1  PO-ON E1  FO-       CE-E826   MM-E296













1ST E23-E24-E21-L26-   /H-31-    
WF     FA-E22, E25  NF-E410  EF-E355
2ND E22-E25-E410-RC229   FA-E355, A361  NF-E124  EF-E263    PO-E122  MA-E303  MM-E305
3RD E124-E355-L356-C371   FA-E263  NF-E122  EF-E303 
PO-E121. L126    MA-E453 
BB-ON E1  SG-PL E6  FO-E452
4TH E263-E122-L356-C141   FA-E303  NF-E121  EF-E453 
MA-E305  BB-WA E1 PO-ON E1 MM-ET296  CE-E826

















1ST E23-E25-E24-L26   /H31-
WF     FA-E22  NF-          EF-E355
2ND E22-E351-RC229   FA-E410, A326   NF-E124  EF-     MA-E453  FO-E452
3RD E124-E355-LT356-C371   FA-           NF-E122  EF-E263
BB-ON E1  PO-E121
4TH E263-E122-L307-C141   FA-           NF-E121  EF-E453 
MA-E305  bb-WA E1  PO-ON E1
MM-ET296  CE-E826



















Note:  The run cards above are a partial listing provided for quick reference only.  Additional coverage assignments for other fire departments were left off for simplicity purposes.  These run cards are in effect as of the date posted with them.  It is interesting to use the run cards to track and compare the flow of apparatus to fires in various parts of town.  It is important to remember that these cards reflect resources available when they were written.  Additional apparatus, changes in station assignments, staffing issues, and individual department policies may have changed since these cards were written.  This may  have an effect on the actual apparatus response to incidents when they occur.