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Fire Department

Department Profile




Plympton Fire Department
3 Palmer Road
Plympton, MA  02367
Run Cards
Emergency    911
Business         781-585-2633
FAX                781-585-9457
Dispatch         781-934-1558
Fire Alarm     WPQY 482 
Radio             460.5875  PL203.5      
800 Talk        n/a
Dispatch by   ROCCC - Regional Old Colony

Fire Chief  Cheryl Davis            C-1  C-180
(July 2023)

Plympton, Massachusetts
Plymouth County
Lower Plymouth County

Established 1933
1 Fire Station     10 Apparatus
35 Personnel  1 Career  34 Call

Area             14.8  Square Miles
Population    2,820   (2010)  
Density         190 per sq mile
                     [Wiki data]

2000   xx Calls
2010   xx Calls
2018   xx Calls
2019   xx Calls



2 Engines
0 Ladder
1 Brush
1 Tanker
2 Ambs
3 Cars
2 Misc

Plympton Fire Facebook

Leadership - Officers:   
Fire Chief  Cheryl Davis                    C-1   Car 180                   (2023)

Captain Jeff Marani                            C-3
Captain John Sjostedt                         C-4
Captain John Gonsalves                     C-6
Captain Paul Lamoureux                    C-5
Lt Andrew Norton                              L-1          

IAFF: Local

Email Contact
General Info:
Fire Chief


Total Personnel

Career Personnel: 6 FT / 21 PT
( 1 )  Fire Chief
(   )   Deputy Chiefs
( 2 )  Captains Fulltime
( 2 )  Captains Per Diem
( 1 )  Lieutenant
(   )   Fire Prevention
( 2 )  Firefighter/Paramedics
(   )   Admin Sec

(11)  Part-time Paramedics
(8)    Part-time EMTs

(   )  Paramedics
(   )  Basic EMTs
(   )  First Responders


Call Personnel: 6
(   )   Fire Chief
(   )   Deputy Chiefs
(   )   Captains
(   )   Lieutenants
( 6 )  Call Firefighters     

(   )    Paramedics 
(   )    Basic EMTs 
(   )    First Responders

There are (   ) Groups of (   ) Personnel
Minimum staffing is (   ) per shift
Each group works an average (   ) hour week on a (   ) day totation
The work week includes (   ) shifts from ____ to _____
The work schedule is:

Station staffing is:      (   ) Station __  (   ) Station __
Minimum Staffing is: (   ) Station __  (   ) Station __


Station (  ) staffing is:          (   ) Officers, (   ) FFs

Dispatch by:
Dispatched by

E911 PSAP:          Primary 911
E911 Backup:        Backup 911
911 Secondary:     Dispatch/Secondary 911



Previous Officers

Fire Chief  Stephen Silva                   C-1   Car 180                   (2018-July2023)


Plympton Fire Department is a Call Department.
It has one fire station.
The 911 PSAP and Dispatch for Plympton fire (and the police) is the Mass State Police at Middleboro. Fire and police share a frequency.
Plympton operates the ambulance at the BLS level, but usually has an AMR P/B unit assigned to their station for ALS.

The department has a total of approximately 35 personnel, including:
(1) Fire Chief  - Warren J. Borsari (acting since June 2011) C-1
(1) Deputy Chief - Donald Vautrinot  C-2
(1) Captain - James Mulcahy C-3
(3) Lieutenants - Steve Winslow C-6,
                           Jeff Marani C-7,
                           Cheryl Davis C-8
(29) Firefighters
        There are 10 EMTs and the rest are First Responders
Fire            xxx
EMS          xxx
Total        430
(2011 stats)

Warren J. Borsari 


Updated  11/04/20