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Fire Department

Department Profile




Middleborough Fire Department
125 North Main Street
Middleborough, MA  02346
Run Cards
Emergency    911
Emergency    508-947-2323
Business         508-946-2461
FAX                508-946-2464
Dispatch         508-946-2461
Fire Alarm     WPPW 602
Radio             470.700      203.5
Radio Tac      470.700       91.5
Dispatch by   

Fire Chief  Owen Thompson        C-
(Feb 2023)

Middleborough, Massachusetts
Plymouth County
Lower Plymouth County

Established c.1952
3 Fire Stations     20 Apparatus
47 Personnel  31 Career  16 Call

Area             68.10  Square Miles
Population    20,373
Density         286 per sq mile

2000   xx Calls
2010   xx Calls
2017   xx Calls
2018   xx Calls

Sta.1  Sta.2
Sta.3  Sta.2
Sta.3    Sta.4

4 Engines
1 Tower
2 Brush
1 Tanker
0 Ambs
1 Rescue
7 Cars
4 Misc

Middleborough Fire Department on Facebook

Leadership - Officers:   
Fire Chief Owen Thompson                Car                   (Feb 2023)

IAFF: Local 3653

Email Contact
General Info:                    fireweb@middleborough.com
Fire Chief:                       firechief@middleborough.com


Total Personnel

Career Personnel
(   )   Fire Chief
(   )   Deputy Chiefs
(   )   Captains
(   )   Lieutenants
(   )   Fire Prevention
(   )   Firefighters
(   )   Admin Sec

(   )  Paramedics
(   )  Basic EMTs
(   )  First Responders


Call Personnel:
(   )   Fire Chief
(   )   Deputy Chiefs
(   )   Captains
(   )   Lieutenants
(   )   Call Firefighters     

(   )    Paramedics 
(   )    Basic EMTs 
(   )    First Responders

There are (   ) Groups of (   ) Personnel
Minimum staffing is (   ) per shift
Each group works an average (   ) hour week on a (   ) day totation
The work week includes (   ) shifts from ____ to _____
The work schedule is:

Station staffing is:      (   ) Station __  (   ) Station __
Minimum Staffing is: (   ) Station __  (   ) Station __


Station (  ) staffing is:          (   ) Officers, (   ) FFs

Dispatch by:
Dispatched by

E911 PSAP:          Primary 911
E911 Backup:        Backup 911
911 Secondary:     Dispatch/Secondary 911



Previous Officers

Fire Chief Lance Benjamino                 Car                   (         )


Middleborough Fire Department protects one of the largest towns in the Commonwealth.  It provides fire and rescue service.  EMS is provided by a private ambulance company (Brewster Ambulance) with Middleborough Fire running as first responders.

Staffing: (31) Career: (1) Chief, (1) Deputy, (1) Capt Fire Prev, (4) Capt, (4) Lieut,
(20) Firefighters
Staffing: (7) per shift, (5) minimum
               Station 1: (1) Capt, (1) Lieut, (3) FFs
               Station 2: (1) FF
               Station 3: (1) FF
Staffing: (16) Call Personnel: (1) Deputy, (5) Capt, 10 FFs

Middleborough started as a fire district c.1852 with a handtub and hook & ladder.
The first fire station was built c.1855.  Previous stations existed on Pierce Street and School Street as well as the Central station on North Main Street.  Later stations were added in South Middleborough and most recently North Middleborough.  The Central station is nearly complete and is expected to be reoccupied in November 2003.

Staffing in Middleborough is barely at minimum with only the North and South stations being open during construction of the new Central station.  The North station has (5) personnel with (1) committed to dispatching.  The South has been staffed with (2).  There are no plans for additional staffing when the new Central reopens.  Staffing at the North and South stations may go down to (1) each with (5) at Central.

Apparatus assignments when all three stations open is not completely decided yet, but at this time (Oct 8, 2003) it looks like this.
Station 1 (Central): Eng.2, Eng.4, Squad 1, Dive, and other misc vehicles.
Station 2 (South): Eng.1, Tanker 1, For. Fire 2
Station 3 (North): Eng 3, Ladder 1, For. Fire 1
A boat will be located at each station and AMR (the EMS provider) will station an ambulance at each station providing both ALS and BLS service. 

 KCA 633


Fire              x
EMS            x
Total      2696
(2002 stats)


Middleborough Fire


1 Chief

0 Deputy

1 Capt Fire Prevention

1 Lt Fire Prevention

4 Capt

4 Lt

22 Firefighters  ( 2 more will be approved at this years Annual Town Meeting)




1 Capt, 1 Lt and 3 FFs at Station 1

2 FFs at Station 2 (upwards of 65% of the time)

0 FFs at Station 3 (will have some on duty in future months)

12 plus Call Personnel, subject to change


The Town is the second largest municipality in the Commonwealth of MA


Brewster Ambulance serves Middleborough and Plymouth

Updated  00/00/00