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Fire Department

Department Profile


The Provincetown Fire Department was established in 1836.....................Provincetown FD is the oldest organized fire department on Cape Cod....................Provincetown is an area of 8.35 square miles with a population of 3,743....................PTown FD operates from 3 fire stations.....................PTown is a volunteer Fire Department.......................There were 1546 incidents in 2002.........230 fire incidents and 1316 rescue calls...........................


Provincetown Fire Department
25 Shank Painter Road
Provincetown, MA  02657
Run Cards

Photo Albums
Emergency   911
Emergency   508-487-1212
Business       508-487-7023, -0345
FAX              508-487-7007
Dispatch       508-487-1212
Fire Alarm    WXT 893
800 Talk       37712
Radio            33.46   114.8
Dispatch       Provincetown Police

Fire Chief James J Roderick Jr  C-191

Provincetown, Massachusetts
Barnstable County
Outer Cape Cod Region

Established 1836
4 Fire Stations     12 Apparatus
68 Personnel  8 Career  68 Call
 Apparatus 190-199

Area             9.7 Square Miles
Population   2,942  (2010)
Density        305 per sq mile
                     [Wiki data]

2000   1,291 Calls
2010   2,309 Calls
2020   1,115 Calls
2023   1,780 Calls
2024 2,099 Calls

Sta.1    Sta.4
Sta.5    LCA


4 Engines
1 Ladder
0 Brush
4 Ambs
2 Cars
1 Misc

Provincetown Fire Facebook


Leadership - Officers:     
Board of Engineers:
Fire Chief James J Roderick Jr               C191        (07-02-24)
Deputy Chief 
Deputy Chief 
District Chief 

IAFF: N/A. Provincetown has been a Volunteer department. Some fulltime fire department personnel hired in 2023.

Email Contact
General Info: ptfire@provincetown-ma.gov


Total Personnel
: 68

Career Personnel: 8
(0)   Fire Chief
(0)   Deputy Chief
(0)   Shift Captains
(0)   Lieutenants
(8)   Firefighters 
(1)   Admin Sec

Provincetown hired its first (8) Fulltime personnel in July 2023.
G1: FF Dan Notaro (P), FF Robert Runci (P)
G2: FF Michael Anderson (P), FF Molly Costa
G3: FF Lisa Potter (P), FF Joseph Nystrom (P)
G4: FF Patrick O'Neil (P), FF Zach Goldstein

In addition to the (2) Fulltime personnel, the attempt is to hire part time help to maintain (6) on duty days (3 & 3), and (4) on duty nights (2 & 2).

Staffing is primarily to cover EMS Calls.
Lower Cape Ambulance Association went out of business in Sept 2023
after many years of providing transport service for PT & Truro.

Additional fulltime staffing is expected in future.

(0)   Paramedics
(0)   Basic EMTs
(0)   First Responders


Volunteer Personnel: 68 approx
(1)   Fire Chief
(2)   Deputy Chiefs
(1)   Dist Chiefs
(6)   Call Captains
(6)   Call Lieutenants
(52) Call Firefighters 
(  )   Other

(9)   Paramedics,
(20) Basic EMTs
(0)   First Responders

Some seasonal fire department station staffing
Year round Lower Cape Ambulance staffing

The Fire Department continues to be a Call/Volunteer Fire Department with a minimal pay for calls and drills.

Station 1 Staffing is:           
Station 4 Staffing is:            
Station 5 Staffing is:


Dispatch By:
Provincetown Police Dispatchers.

E911 PSAP:         PTOWN - Provincetown Police Department
E911 Backup:       EASTPD - Eastham Police Department
911 Secondary:     N/A - Provincetown Police dispatch PTown Fire Rescue

Lower Cape Ambulance Association:
Lower Cape Ambulance Association; Non Profit corporation that operates transport ambulances for Provincetown and Truro.  Established in 1937 to serve Provincetown, Truro, and Wellfleet.
First ambulance was donated by Truro Chief Magee, Presently 2 ambulances and 15 personnel.  (3) crews of 5 personnel (3 medics and 2 emts).  


Fire Chief Michael Trovato served 49 years, 34 as Chief from 1990-July 2, 2024.

Deputy Chief James J Roderick Jr           C191A
Deputy Chief Gerard Menangas               C191B
District Chief Russell V Zawaduk           Dist #1 & #3

Updated January 25, 2025

Provincetown Police Department

Provincetown Police Department
26 Shank Painter Road
Provincetown, MA  02657

Emergency 911   Emergency 508-487-1213
Business  508-487-1213    Fax  508-487-4077

Police Chief  James Golden (Able 1)



Provincetown Information

Provincetown Incorporated as a town 1727
Provincetown Fire Department established 1836
Oldest Fire Department on Cape Cod

Town of Provincetown Website

City/Town Name: Town of Provincetown
2010 Population: 2, 942
2000 Population: 3,743
1990 Population: 3,561
Registered Voters 2010: 2,863
Registered Voters 2000: 3,121
2000 School Enrollments: 242
Population Over 65: 642
Square Miles: 9.66
Public Road Miles: 32.83
Income Per Capita 2013: $34,764
Income Per Capita 2000: $14,955
Median Family Income: $29,392
EQV Per Capita 2012: $849,124
EQV Per Capita 2000: $195,105
Avg. Tax Bill 2013: $5,482
Avg. Tax Bill 2000: $2,297
Residential Tax Rate 13: 7.00
Residential Tax Rate 00: 9.90
Commercial Tax Rate 13: 7.00
Commercial Tax Rate 00: 9.90
Operating Budget 2013: $32,263,674
Operating Budget 2000: $15,500,807


Massachusetts Municipal Association

City/Town Name: Town of Provincetown
Community Profiles: http://www.magnet.state.ma.us/cc/provincetown.html
City/Town Hall Address: 260 Commercial St.
City/Town: Provincetown
State: MA
Zip Code: 02657
Business Hours: 8 a.m.­5 p.m. (Mon­Fri)
County: Barnstable
World Wide Web Address: http://www.provincetowngov.org/
Area Code: 508
Main Telephone: 487-7000
Main Fax: 487-9560
Police Department: 487-1212
Fire Department: 487-0345
Public Works: 487-7060
Planning: 487-0560
Schools: 487-5000
Library: 487-7094
Town Clerk: 487-7013
City Council:
Board of Selectmen: 487-7003
City Clerk:


DHCD Community Profile

Added Jan 6, 2002
Updated May 24, 2016


Fire Department History

* Fire Department Organization
* Fire Chiefs
* Fire Station History
* Fire Apparatus History
* Major Fires & Incidents History
* Run Stats History


The Provincetown Fire Department was first established in 1836*. 
(*first town purchased fire engine.)
The fire department actually formally established May 19, 1859 with a chief and board of engineers. 
The Provincetown rescue squad was established in 1950s..

1775 - Ptown Population 205, about 20 homes
1800 - Ptown about 144 dwellings
1820 Mar 6 - voted to purchase 6 fire hooks
1820 - Ptown population 1252
1826 Mar 6 - voted to purchase 4 fire hooks
1826 Mar 6 - voted NOT to purchase a fire engine
1829 Mar 2 - Appointed 6 Fire Wards
1830 Apr 5 - Voted NOT to purchase fire engine
1831 May 11 - Voted NOT to purchase fire engine 'already in possession' of Jonathan Cook
1836 Mar 7 - Voted to buy Fire Engine 'Washington'
1836 Mar 7 - voted to purchase 30 2nd hand buckets and 100' hose
1837            - Fire House No.1 @ 351 Commercial Street (Center)
1839            - voted 10 additional buckets for engine company
1840              - PTown population 2122
1850 Feb 11 - Voted to buy fire engine 'Franklin'
1855             - PTown population 3096
1858            - Fire House No.2 @ 117 Commercial Street (West End)
1859 Feb 14 - Elected Fire Wardens - Did NOT approve 'formation' of a fire department
1859 May 19 - APPROVED formation of fire department
                        E.C. Loring first fire chief
1859             - Purchased Rescue Hook & Ladder No.1 built by B.A. Ellison, Wellfleet
1867             - voted NOT to purchase a steamer
1868             - Voted to purchase (2) used fire engines 'Mazeppa No.3' and 'Excelsior No.4'
1869             - voted to purchase fire engine 'Ulysses No.1' to replace Washington
1869             - Fire house 514 Commercial Street
1869             - Fire house 189 Commercial & Pearl
1870             - 370 firemen on roster, 4 engines with hose carts, 1 hook & ladder, 1 relief engine,
                        1 relief hose, 5 fire houses, 3650' hose, 26 reservoirs

1870              - Ptown about 794 dwellings
1871              - J.D.Hilliard fire chief
1873              - Organized Tiger No.5
1873              - Railroad came to Provincetown
1875              - Population 4357
1889              - Purchased Steam Engine J.D.Hilliard No.3
1889              - Purchased Chemical & hose Excelsior No.4
1890              - Population over 5,000
1902              - Firehouse moved from Commercial St to Johnson Street for No.3
1913              - Roster of 126 firemen, (1) Steamer, (1) hook & ladder, (2) hand engines,
                        (1) Chemical engine, (6) hose reels, (1) hose carriage.
1918              - voted purchase first motorized fire engine. Ford Model T Chemical No.4
1925              - voted purchase motorized engine - Ford Model T Chemical No.5
1925              - voted motorized ladder truck
1930              - voted purchase motorized engine - American LaFrance Eng No.1
1930              - voted purchase motorized engine - American LaFrance Eng No.2
1936              - voted purchase pumper - Engine 4
1940              - voted purchase pumper - Engine 3
1945              - voted to replace pumpers No.1 & 5
1950              - Willys jeep and pump trailer as Engine 6
1962              - Pumper for Engine 2
1968              - Pumper for Engine 3
1972              - Ambulance Van style
1971              - Pumper for Engine 1 - arrived in 1973
1975              - Ambulance Modular style
1976              - Voted to replace Eng 4 & 5
1993              - Shank Painter Road fire house opened - replaced No.1 117 Commercial,
                        No.2 189 Commercial and moved Eng 3 from Johnson Street.
1993               - used engine for Engine 3
1996               - first aerial ladder in history
2001               - Fire House No.5 514 Commercial Street renovated.
2008               - Aerial Ladder Truck 192 rolled over in MVC



1859-       E.C. Loring
1871-       J.D. Hilliard

1990-       Mike Trovato



1850        351 Commercial St          (first station in center, sold 1969)
1859        Commercial & Gosnold   (Rescue H&L No.1)
1860s       Commercial & Church    (Relief Hose 1)
1862        189 Commercial St          (Last No.2, closed 1993)
1868        117 Commercial St          (West end, last No.1, closed 1993)
1869-       514 Commercial St         (East end, present No.5)
1871        252-256 Commercial St  (Last No.3, closed 1993)
1902-       4 Johnson St                    (Present No.4)
1960s       Race Point Rd                 (LCAA "Barn" for ambulance)
1993-       25 Shank Painter Rd       (Present HQ, combined No.1, 2, 3, Rescue)
2006-       PTown Airport               (ARFF building)


1995 Apparatus Roster
Sta. No. 1 - 25 Shank Painter Road
190       Eng 190     - 1973 Ford co / Maxim 750/500 Pumper
190A    Car 190A   - Dist Chief 1 - Russell Zawaduk
191       Car 191      - 1992 Ford Explorer Fire Chief Michael Trovato
191A    Car 191A   - Deputy Warren Alexander
192       Eng 192      - 1962 Chevy Spartin co/Maxim 750/500 Pumper
192A    Car 192A    - Dist Chief 2 - Otto Freller
193       Eng 193      - 1975 ('93) Young 1250/500 Pumper (lime)
193A    Car 193A    - Dist Chief Joe Notaro
197       Res 197      - 1994 Ford E350/E-One Type III Ambulance (EMS 377)
197A    Car 197A    - Rescue Dist Chief Paramedic Douglas Trumbo
198       Res 198      - 1994 Ford E350/Wheeled Coach Type III Ambulance (EMS 378)

Sta. No. 3/4 - 4 Johnson St
194       Eng 194       - 1976 International L1800/Continental fm 1000/500 Pumper
196       Res 196       - 1983 Ford E350/Frontline Type III Ambulance (EMS 376) JAWS
196A    Car 196A     - Rescue Capt Joel Macara
196B    Car 196B     - Rescue Lt Michael Benjamin

Sta. No. 5 - 514 Commercial St
195       Eng 195        - 1976 International L1800/Continental fm 1000/500 Pumper
195A    Car 195A      - Dist Chief Adam Wolf    


1992 Apparatus Roster
Sta. No. 1 - 117 Commercial St
190    Eng 1 - 1973 Ford co / Maxim 750/500 Pumper

Sta. No.2 - 189 Commercial St
192    Eng 2 - 1962 Chevy co / Maxim 750/500 Pumper

Sta. No. 3/4 - 4 Johnson St
193    Eng 3 - 1968 Chevy co / Maxim 1000/450 Pumper
194    Eng 4 - 1976 International/Maxim 1000FM/500 Pumper
196    Res 196 - 1987 Ford/Frontline Type III Ambulance  (Carried Jaws)
197    Res 197 - 1983 Ford/Frontline Type III Ambulance
198    Res 198 - 1986 Ford/Frontline Type III Ambulance  (Lower Cape Amb)

Sta. No.5 - 514 Commercial St
195    Eng 5 - 1976 International/Maxim 1000FM/500 Pumper


1975 Apparatus Roster
Eng 1 - 1973 Ford co / Maxim 750/500 Pumper
Eng 2 - 1962 Chevy co / Maxim 750/500 Pumper
Eng 3 - 1968 Chevy co / Maxim 750/500 Pumper
Eng 4 - 1936 American LaFrance 500 gpm Pumper
Eng 5 - 1945 American LaFrance S600 200/500 Pumper
Eng 6 - 1950 Willys Jeep & 500 gpm Trailer
Rescue - 1972 Van
Rescue - 1975 Ford Modular ambulance


1836 - Washington No.1 - Hunneman handtub (#170) - served 40 yrs - still in possession Ptown
1850 - Franklin No.2 - Hunneman handtub (#389) - served to 1871 - became 'Relief No.2'
1859 - Rescue Hook & Ladder No.1 - Ellison hand drawn hook & ladder. Served to...
1868 - Mazeppa No.3 - 1854 Hunneman (#517) was Lowell 'Mazeppa No.10'
1868 - Excelsior No.4 - 1854 Hunneman (#518) was Lowell 'Torrent No.12'
1869 - Ulysses No.1 - 1869 Hunneman (#704) - replaced Washington - still in possession
1871 - Franklin No.2 - 1871 Hunneman (#716) - replaced 1850 Franklin
1873 - Tiger No.5 - 'Junior members' Using former 1850 Franklin
1889 - J.D.Hilliard No.3 - 1889 Amoskeag Steamer & hose company. Replaced 1854 eng.
1889 - Excelsior No.4 - 1889 Chemical & hose wagon. Replaced 1854 Hunneman.

1918 - Hose 4 - 1918 Ford Model T Chemical No.4
1925 - Hose 1 - 1925 Ford  Model T Chemical No.1
1925 - Hose 2 - 1925 Ford Model T chemical No.2
1925 - Hose 5 - 1925 Ford Model T Chemical No.5
1925 - Ladder 1 - 1925 Ford Model T Hook & ladder No.1
1930 - Engine 1 - 1930 American LaFrance Engine No.1 500 gpm
1930 - Engine 2 - 1930 American LaFrance Engine No.2 500 gpm
1936 - Engine 4 - 1936 American LaFrance Engine No.4 500 gpm
1940 - Engine 3 - 1940 Ford/Maxim 500 gpm pumper No.3
1945 - Engine 1 - 1945 American LaFrance series 600 200/500 Pumper No.1
1945 - Engine 5 - 1945 American LaFrance series 600 200/500 Pumper No.5
1950 - Engine 6 - 1950 Willys Jeep & 500 gpm Pump Trailer. Replaced 1930 Eng 2.

1962 - Engine 2 - 1962 Chevy / Maxim 750/500 pumper. 
1968 - Engine 3 - 1968 Chevy / Maxim 750/500 pumper - replaced 1940 Ford
1972 - Rescue - Ambulance Van Style
1973 - Engine 1 - 1973 Ford / Maxim 750 / 500 Pumper - replaced 1945 ALF Eng 1
1975 - Rescue 196 - 1976 Ford/Modulance Type I Ambulance
1976 - Engine 4 - 1976 International / Maxim 1000 gpm fm Pumper - replaced 1936 ALF
1976 - Engine 5 - 1976 International / Maxim 1000 gpm fm Pumper - replaced 1945 ALF

1983 - Rescue 197 - 1983 Ford/Front;ine Type III Ambulance
1986 - Rescue 198 - 1986 Ford/Frontline Type III Ambulance
1987 - Rescue 196 - 1987 Ford/Frontline Type III Ambulance
1993 - Engine 3 - Used 1975 Young 1250/500 Pumper replaced 1968 Chevy Eng 3
1996 - Ladder 2 - 1996 Ford / Maxim / Middleborough 1000/300  75' Aerial ladder -
                             replaced 1962 Engine 2.  First aerial / quint in Provincetown.
1996 - Crash 198 - 1996 Hummer Crash Truck ARFF for airport emergencies.
1997 - Engine 4 - Used 1980 Mack MB 1000/1000 Pumper - replaced 1976 International
2000 - Res 196 - 2000 Ford E450/Lifeline Type III Ambulance

2001 - Engine 195 - 2001 Freightliner/Ferrara 1250/500 Pumper - replaced 1976 International
2002 - Engine 190 - 2002 Freightliner/Ferrara 1250/500 Pumper - replaced 1973 Ford
2003 - Engine 193 - 2003 HME / Ferrara 1500/500 Pumper - replaced 1975 Young
2003 - Res 197 - 2003 Ford E450 / Lifeline Type III Ambulance - Replaced 1993 Amb
2006 - Engine 194 - 2006 HME / Ferrara 1500/500/30A/30B Pumper - replaced 1980 Mack
2007 - Amb 198 - 2007 Ford / Osage Type III Ambulance
2008 - L192 - 1996 Ford/Middleboro/Maxim (Went Out of service in MVC)
2009 - L192 - 1974 Maxim S 1000gpm 85' Aerial (formerly Orleans 176)
2009 - L192 - 2009 Ferrara Inferno 1500/300  77' Quint Aerial Ladder
2011 - ARFF 199 - 2011 Rosenbauer Panther 4x4 1850/1500/200 Crash Truck
2011 - Amb 196 - 2011 Chevy/Osage Type III Ambulance
2013 - Amb 197 - 2013 Chevy/2003 LifeLine Type III Ambulance
2016 - Amb 198 - 2016 Chevy/Osage Type III Ambulance
2019 - Pickup  - 2019 Ford F250 4dr 4x4 Pickup Truck
2019 - Car 191A - 2019 Chevy Tahoe 4x4 Deputy Car
2019 - HighWater - Former Mil LMTV 4x4 HighWater

2020 - Engine 190 - 2020 Ferrara Igniter 1500/50/20A/30B Pumper - replaced 2002 Freightliner
2020 - Engine 193 - 2020 Ferrara Igniter 1500/50/20A/30B Pumper - replaced 2003 HME
2020 - Engine 195 - 2020 Ferrara Igniter 1500/50/20A/30B Pumper - replaced 2001 Freightliner





Major Fires & Emergencies

1858 summer - 3 large buildings across from the old Massonic Hall / Union House on south side of Commercial street totally destroyed by fire.  Massonic Hall barely saved.
1874 March 4 - Large 2 story Adams Hall destroyed by fire during blizzard - engines pulled through 2-4 foot snow drifts. Saved exposures on all sides.
1877 Feb 16 - Town Hall Fire  8:25 pm - Located on hill where Pilgrim Monument is today.
Town hall destroyed.

1908 March 14 - Centenary Church spire 165' high struck by lightning at 1:55 am. Fire spread through building and at about 3:00 am the steeple fell nearly killing a dozen firemen. Buildings on both sides were spared by the firefighting efforts.
1935 - Gov. Bradford School Fire - 2:00 am, 44 Bradford Street - total loss
1949 June 9 - Arnold Inc., Furniture store on Commercial Street, destroyed by major fire 2:30 pm, estimated 1 million gallons pumped.
1956 April 30 - The Castle Fire, opposite the Provincetown Inn, Commercial Street. A large Spanish style mansion, destroyed by 4:40 am multi-alarm fire.

1973 Dec 8 - Macara's Wharf hit by 11:26 am fire. 100 foot long 2 story building on wharf destroyed by fire.
1977 - Royal Coachman Motel, east end of Commercial street havily damaged by fire
1977 March 25 - Fire destroys Provincetown Playhouse on wharf near Crown & Anchor.
1978 Jan 1 - Fire spreads from apartment house to Pied Piper Lounge at 199 Commercial st next to the No.2 Engine house.  High winds whipped the fire.
1978 May 31 - Plane crash and fire in dunes near Race Point lighthouse kills 1.   
1978 Nov 8 - Historic Atlantic House off Commercial street damaged by fire.
1980 June 15 - Plane crashes in ocean after takeoff from Ptown. 4 killed.

1990 Oct 29 - Pilgrim House, 3 story hotel fully involved on arrival at 11:41 pm.  Mutual aid from across the Cape in 4 alarm fire. 7 buildings damaged or destroyed with 14 civilian and firefighters injured.
1991 April 17 - Fire damages Atlantic House again - see 1978.
1993 Aug 4 - Plance crashed into campground, off Bradford Street killing 2.
1996 Nov 14 -One woman killed and dozens evacuated  from Maushope elderly housing complex off Harry Kemp Way at 2:30 am 3 alarm fire.
1998 Feb 10 - 6:45 pm - Whaler's Wharf Fire.  5 Alarms with many special calls and extensive mutual aid is one of largest fires in Cape history.  39 departments activated from 2 counties.  Large Whalers Wharf complex, Crown & Anchor Inn, Handcrafters,  and Marine Specialties buildings destroyed. 
1998 Oct 19 - Fire at Post Office Cafe & Caberet, 303 Commercial street 2:45 pm 2 alarms
2002 March 14 - 3 alarm fire at 280 Commercial street destroys house over commercial occupancy at midnight. 
2002 June 8 - Rogue wave struck whale watcher vessel Dolphin VII injuring 22 passengers.




Year            Fire         EMS           Total
1990          87             798              885                  
1992        188             849           1,037       
1993        229             881           1,110      
1994        220           1,029          1,249    
2000                                             1,291     
2001                                             1,433
2002            230       1,316           1,546
2003            227       1,105           1,332               
2004            212       1,120           1,332
2005                                             1,305
2006                                             1,290
2007                                             1,274
2008           172       1,158            1,330
2009                                             1,289
2010                                             1,309
2011                                                998
2012                                                801           
2013                                             1,219
2014                                             1,165
2015                                             1,203
2016                                             1,246
2017                                             1,155
2018                                             1,311
2019            220       1,395           1,615
2020            220          935*         1,115*   Estimate
2021                                             1,663
2022                                             1,732
2023                                             1,780
2024                                             2,099



Updated January 25, 2025


The Radio

The Fire Radio Call Sign...............WXT 893.............."Provincetown Fire"
The Dispatch ID.............................Provincetown Fire Alarm
The Fire Frequency........................33.46 Mhz..............PL 114.8
The County Frequency....................33.70 Mhz..............PL 114.8
The Fire 800 Talkgroup..................37712....................Simulcast 33.46
The Radio Tone Test......................1800 Hours
The Apparatus Numbers.................190-199
The FD Old Call Sign.....................KCD 697...............No longer used

The Police Radio Call Sign............ KCA 371..............County Callsign
The Police Dispatch ID...................KCA 371.............."Provincetown Police"
The Police Frequency.....................Trunking.................Trunked 800
The Police Old Freq.......................155.700 Mhz.........Old Ch.2
The Police County Freq..................155.565 Mhz........ Old Ch.1
The Police 800 Trunk Group...........38416...................Primary Police
The Police 800 County Group.........36496...................County Talkgroup
The Police Unit IDs........................."A" Cars............... Able

The Water District.......................... 


Provincetown Station Apparatus Assignments

Station 1........Provincetown - Shank Painter Road
Engine 190............2020 Ferrara Igniter 4 door 1500/500/20A/30B Pumper
Car 191.................2015 Ford Expedition Fire Chief Car James Roderick Jr
Ladder 192 ...........2009 Ferrara Inferno 1500/300 77' Quint Aerial Ladder (Jaws)
Engine 193............2020 Ferrara Igniter 4 door 1500/500/20A/30B Pumper
Ambulance 196.....2011 Chevy 4500 / Osage Type III Ambulance  (EMS 376)
Ambulance 197 (595).....2013 Chevy 4500 / Osage Type III Ambulance  (EMS 377)
Ambulance 198 (596).....2016 Chevy 4500 / Osage Type III Ambulance  (EMS 375)
Ambulance 594.....2021 Ford F550 / Osage Type I Ambulance
Pickup...................2019 Ford F250 4x4 Pickup.
Car........................2004 Ford Expedition 4x4 SUV Utility
High Water............2019 LMTV 4x4 former military High Water Vehicle
Car 191A............. 2019 Chevy Tahoe 4x4 SUV Deputy A - James Roderick Jr
Car 191B...............pov - Deputy B - Gerard Menengas
Car 190A...............pov - Dist Chief 1 & 3 Russell Zawaduk

Station 4 .......Provincetown - Johnson Street
Engine 194............2006 HME / Ferrara 1500/500/30A/30B Pumper
Eng.4.....................1936 American LaFrance 500 gpm parade engine


Station 5 .......Provincetown - Commercial Street
Engine 195............2020 Ferrara Igniter 4 door 1500/500/20A/30B Pumper
                              2001 Freightliner FC80 / Ferrara 1250 / 500 Pumper (Retired)

Airport .......Provincetown Airport - Race Point Road
Crash 199.............2011 Rosenbauer Panther 4x4 1850/1500/200/500 PKP ARFF

LCA ..............Provincetown - Lower Cape Ambulance
Ambulance 598....2020 Ford F450 XLT / Osage Type I Ambulance  (EMS 378)
Ambulance 599....2016 Chevy 4500 / Osage Type I Ambulance  (EMS 379)



The Sample Run Cards
(As listed at BCC May 2023)

PROVINCETOWN  FIRE                             (CCFD Updated 05-15-23)


  RUN CARD Sample Metro Card  
  1ST ALARM To Scene     [6E-1L-1A-3C]  
    Provincetown - Engine 190
Provincetown - Engine 193
Provincetown - Engine 194
Provincetown - Engine 195
Provincetown - Ladder 192
Provincetown - Ambulance
Provincetown - Chief
Provincetown - Deputy
  Line Response Truro - Engine
Wellfleet - Engine
Truro - Chief
Wellfleet - Chief
  Line Coverage Orleans - Ladder Tower Quint
  WORKING FIRE To Scene     [3E-1LTQ-3C]  
    Eastham - Engine
Harwich - Engine
Brewster - Engine
Orleans - Ladder Tower Quint (from Cover 1)
Orleans - Chief
Eastham - Chief
Harwich - Chief
  W/F COVERAGE Station Coverage     [4E-1L-1LTQ-1A]      
    Station 1 - Chatham - Engine
                  Harwich - Ladder Quint

TRU-1 - Yarmouth - Engine
               Dennis - Ladder
               COMM - Ambulance

EAS-1 - Hyannis - Engine
              Barnstable - Engine

  2ND ALARM To Scene     [2E-1LQ-3C]  
    Chatham - Engine (from Cover 1)
Yarmouth - Engine (from Cover TRU-1)
Harwich - Ladder Quint (from Cover 1)
COMM - Ambulance (from Cover TRU-1)
Brewster - Chief
Dennis - Chief
Providence - Canteen
  2ND COVERAGE Station Coverage     [5E-1L-1A-1C]      
    Station 1 - Hyannis - Engine (from Cover EAS-1)
                 Dennis - Ladder (from Cover TRU-1)
                 Yarmouth - Chief

TRU-1 - Barnstable - Engine (from Cover EAS-1)
              Yarmouth - 2nd Engine
              Hyannis - Ambulance

EAS-1 - COMM - Engine
              Sandwich - Engine

  3RD ALARM To Scene     [2E-1L-ISU]  
    Hyannis - Engine (from Cover TRU-1)
Barnstable - Engine (from Cover TRU-1)
Dennis - Ladder (from Cover 1)
DFS - ISU (Incident Support Unit)
  3RD COVERAGE Station Coverage     [6E-1C-TF2A]      
    Station 1 - Yarmouth - 2nd Engine (from Cover TRU-1)
                  COMM - Engine (from Cover EAS-1)

TRU-1 - Sandwich - Engine (from Cover EAS-1)
              West Barnstable - Engine

EAS-1 - Joint Base - Engine
              Mashpee - Engine

HAR-2 - Plym County Structural Task Force 2A
               Includes 6 Engines, 2 Ladders, and Chiefs

               Hyannis - Chief (STF-2A Leader)

  4TH ALARM To Scene     [2E] & {STF-2A: 6E-2L-3C}  
    Yarmouth - 2nd Engine (from Cover 1)
COMM - Engine (from Cover 1)
Plymouth County - Task Force 2A (from Cover HAR-2)
Includes at Least: 6 Engines, 2 Ladders, and Chiefs

Hyannis - Chief (Task Force 2A Leader)
  4TH COVERAGE Station Coverage     [3E-1A]      
    Station 1 - Sandwich - Engine (from Cover TRU-1)
                 West Barnstable - Engine (from Cover TRU-1)

TRU-1 - Joint Base - Engine (from Cover EAS-1)
               Mashpee - Engine (from Cover EAS-1)

EAS-1 - Falmouth - Engine
              Bourne - Engine

HAR-2 - Plym County Structural Task Force 2B
               Includes 6 Engines, 2 Ladders, and Chiefs

               Sandwich - Chief (STF-2B Leader)


  5TH ALARM To Scene     [           ]    


  5TH COVERAGE Station Coverage     [            ]      


  TOTALS Alarm     ENGS    LADD     AMB     CHIEF     SPEC
1st           4           1              1           1+                 
Line         2           0              0           2
W/F         3           1              0           3
2nd          2           1              1           2
3rd          2            1              0           0              ISU
4th           2           0               0           1             REHAB
TF-2A     6           2               0           3
5th           0           0               0           0
TOTAL - 4 Alarms
TOTAL - 21 Engines
TOTAL - 6 Ladders
TOTAL - 2 Ambulances
TOTAL - 12 Chiefs
  Ladders 1 WELLFLEET
  Tankers 1 TRURO
  Ambulances 1 TRURO
4 TRURO 2nd
  May 2023        






1ST E190-L192-E193-E194-E195-R196-R197   PT-E285
2ND E485-E483-R487-F480-C481-E95-E93-R99   PT-E482-94-E155  TR-E175  WE-L176  WE-E233
3RD E482-E94-E155-E175-L176-L237-H241-R63-R182-C91-C161   PT-E233  PT-E156  TR-E177  PT-E64  WE-L66  WE-E69 WE-E234  WE-R242  TR-ET186  EA-E188  EA-E107  BR-E106  CH-E112  OR-L110  ND-E44  OR-E42  EH-E43  EH-E48  HA-L41  TR-R53  YP-E205  HA-E826
4TH 177-233-64-156-66-110-53-242-72-171-231   PT-186  PT-234  PT-69  PT-188  TR-107  TR-42    
TR-828  WE-43  WE-112  WE-41  EA-106  EA-48
OR-44  OR-206  BR-205  CH-826  EH-296 ND-294  YP-452  HA-297  HA-823  HY-304  WB-303  WE-324  HA-WB AIR
5TH ET186-E234-E69-E188-E42-E107-L41-L206-E828-C181-C61   PT-E43  PT-E112  PT-E106  TR-E48  TR-E324  WE-E44 EA-ET296  OR-E826  EH-E823  EH-E205  BR-E294   CH-E304  HA-E302  YP-E202  ND-E452  BA-E303 WB-E451  HY-E265  OS-E355  EH-LT829  HY-L126 MA-L26  WE-L297  WD-L307  SA-E453  FO-E406
  EA-1/2 PLYM TF  OR-E294  EH-1/2 PLYM TF
CH-E265  HA-E355  BR-E452  ND-E202  YP-E303
BA-E451  WB-1/3 PLYM TF  HY-E24  CE-1/2 PLYM TF  HA-L307  MA-L26  EH-R136  CE-E25  WB-E125
LADDERS L93-L176-L237-L66-L110-L41  
BREAKERS BT235-B295-B316-B461-B6-B463-B5  
FORESTRY F270-F90-F277-F240-F67-F187-F108  
TANKERS T484-E485-E482-T96-E94-E156-E233-E65  
AMBS R487-R98-R99-R162-R172-R242-R163-R62-R173-R243-R183  























After the 4th Alarm
    1.    Verify the availability of apparatus for the 5th Alarm and a Cape Task Force
    2.    Notify Plymouth County Control to have a Task Force stage at Sagamore if Cape apparatus is lacking.
    3.    Check on the availability of the Boston Fire Boat
    4.    Check on availability of Boston Medflight.
    5.    Arrange for fuel and food for Provincetown.


After the 5th Alarm
    1.    Form a Cape Task Force to stage in Wellfleet.
    2.    Request (2) Structural Task Forces from Plymouth County to stage.
    3.    Plymouth Task Force may be used for local coverage if needed.
    4.    Send the Cape Task Force if needed after the 5th.
    5.    Bring the 1st Plymouth Task Force to Wellfleet.
    6.    Request State Police Helo to Provincetown for observation.
    7.    County Plane if available for observation.
    8.    Move the 2nd Plymouth Task Force into staging vacated by 1st Task Force.
    9.    Request a 3rd Plymouth Task Force to stage.
    10.  Request the Boston Fire Boat to Provincetown


 After the 6th Alarm
    1.    Cape Task Force to the scene.
    2.    Additional moves to scene and coverage as deemed necesary.






Note:  The run cards above are a partial listing provided for quick reference only.  Additional coverage assignments for other fire departments were left off for simplicity purposes.  These run cards are in effect as of the date posted with them.  It is interesting to use the run cards to track and compare the flow of apparatus to fires in various parts of town.  It is important to remember that these cards reflect resources available when they were written.  Additional apparatus, changes in station assignments, staffing issues, and individual department policies may have changed since these cards were written.  This may  have an effect on the actual apparatus response to incidents when they occur.