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(10 Year 2000 vs 2010)

Unofficial 10 Year Comparison
2000 vs 2010
( Posted January 23, 2010 )

Rank Dept 2000 2010 Change % Chg Ave Day Rank '00
#1 Yarmouth Fire Dept 4,947 6,694 +1747 +35.3% 18.3 #2
#2 Hyannis Fire Dept . 5,287 6,114 +827 +15.6% 16.8 #1
#3 Falmouth Fire Dept 4,671 6.054 +1383 +29.6% 16.5 #3
#4 Dennis Fire Dept 3,747 4,587 +840 +22.4% 12.6 #4
#5 Harwich Fire Dept 3,511 3,955 +114 +3.7% 10.8 #5
#6 COMM Fire Dept 3,275 3,865 +590 +18.0% 10.6 #6
#7 Bourne Fire Dept 2,939 3,729 +790 +26.9% 10.2 #7
#8 Sandwich Fire Dept 2,670 3,538 +868 +32.5% 9.7 #8
#9 Mashpee Fire Dept 2,343 2,813 +470 +20% 7.7 #9
#10 Brewster Fire Dept 2,205 2,665 +460 +20.8% 7.3 #10
#11 Orleans Fire Dept 1,895 2,407 +512 +27% 6.6 #12
#12 Chatham Fire Dept 2,158 2,322 +264 +7.6% 6.4 #11
#13 Eastham Fire Dept 1,602 1,814 +212 +13.2% 5.1 #13
#14 Provincetown Fire 1,291 1,309  x x x #14
#15 Wellfleet Fire Dept 1,034 1,032 -2 -0.1% 2.8 #15
#16 Barnstable Fire Dept 894 941 +47 +5.2% 2.6 #16
#17 Otis/MMR Fire Dept 886 859 -27 -0.4% 2.4 #17
#18 Truro Fire Dept 595 835 +240 +40.3% 2.3 #19
#19 Cotuit Fire Dept 642 761 +119 +18.5% 2.1 #18
#20 West Barnstable Fire Dept 431 569 +138 +32% 1.6 #20
#21 Barnstable Municipal Airport 24 18   x x x
  TOTALS 47,323 56,941 +8291 +17.5%



10 Year Comparison 2000 to 2010 Cape Cod Unofficial Run Stats

 Cape Cod Unofficial Total 2010 Runs.........est 56,941 runs........156.0 / day..   .                                                  (A change of 1,055 runs from last year)  

Cape Cod Unofficial Total 2009 Runs.........est 55,886 runs........153.1 / day..   .                                                  (A decrease of 264 runs from last year)

Cape Cod Unofficial Total 2008 Runs.........est 56,518 runs........154.8 / day..   .                                                  (An increase of 368 runs from last year)

Cape Cod Unofficial Total 2007 Runs.........est 56,150 runs........153.8 / day..   .                                                  (An increase of 1,366 runs from last year)

 Cape Cod Unofficial Total 2006 Runs.........est 54,784 runs........150.1 / day..   .                                                  (An decrease of 390 runs from last year)

  Cape Cod Unofficial Total 2005 Runs.........est 55,174 runs........151.1 / day..   .                                                  (An increase of 1,772 runs from last year)

 Cape Cod Unofficial Total 2004 Runs.........est 53,402 runs........146.3 / day..  .                                                  (An increase of 1,197 runs from last year)

 Cape Cod Unofficial Total 2003 Runs.........est 51,305 runs........140 / day..   .                                                  (An increase of 327 runs from last year)
 Cape Cod Unofficial Total 2002 Runs.........est 50,978 runs........140 / day.. +2.7% .                                                  (An increase of 1,380 runs from last year)

 Cape Cod Unofficial Total 2001 Runs.........est 49,598 runs........136 / day.. +4.8%                                                    (An increase of 1,380 runs from last year)
 Cape Cod Unofficial Total 2000 Runs........ est 47,047 runs........128 / day



BSO Stats / Dispatch for:
Barnstable, Bourne, Brewster, Dennis, Mashpee, MMR, Orleans, West Barnstable)
                     (Note BSO Started dispatching for Dennis in Nov 2009)
2010 BSO - Barn Sheriff's Dept Dispatched...18,570 runs.....50.8 per day   +9.6%
2009 BSO - Barn Sheriff's Dept Dispatched...18,392 runs.....50.4 per day     +35%
2008 BSO - Barn Sheriff's Dept Dispatched...13,604 runs.....37.2 per day       +4%
2007 BSO - Barn Sheriff's Dept Dispatched...13,049 runs.....35.8 per day       +2%
2006 BSO - Barn Sheriff's Dept Dispatched...12,753 runs.....34.9 per day      -3.0%
2005 BSO - Barn Sheriff's Dept Dispatched...13,146 runs.....36.0 per day      +34.9%
2004 BSO - Barn Sheriff's Dept Dispatched.... 9,740 runs.....26.6 per day      +1.3%
2003 BSO - Barn Sheriff's Dept Dispatched.....9.616 runs.....26.3 per day      +7.1%
2002 BSO - Barn Sheriff's Dept Dispatched.....8,980 runs.....24.6 per day      +0.2%
2001 BSO - Barn Sheriff's Dept Dispatched.....8,960 runs.....24.5 per day    +35.6%
2000 BSO - Barn Sheriff's Dept Dispatched.....6,607 runs.....18.1 per day

COMM Stats  (COMM & Cotuit Dispatch)
2010 COMM & Cotuit Dispatch... 3,865 & 761  4,626 runs   12.7 per day +2%
2009 COMM & Cotuit Dispatch.... 3,831 & 701   4,532 runs    12.4 per day -1.2%
2008 COMM & Cotuit Dispatch.... 3,830 & 776   4,606 runs    12.6 per day -0.2%
2007 COMM & Cotuit Dispatch.... 3,918 & 764   4,682 runs    12.8 per day +4.6%
2006 COMM & Cotuit Dispatch.... 3,787 & 690   4,477 runs    12.3 per day   -0.8%
2005 COMM & Cotuit Dispatch.... 3,797 & 714   4,511 runs    12.4 per day   +4.8%
2004 COMM & Cotuit Dispatch.... 3,738 & 565   4,303 runs    11.8 per day   +3.8%
2003 COMM & Cotuit Dispatch.... 3,518 & 629   4,147 runs    11.4 per day   +3.5%
2002 COMM & Cotuit Dispatch.... 3,412 & 594   4,006 runs    11.0 per day   +2.9%
2001 COMM & Cotuit Dispatch.... 3,261 & 629   3,890 runs    10.6 per day   -0.7%
2000 COMM & Cotuit Dispatch.... 3,275 & 642   3,917 runs    10.7 per day

Town of Barnstable (Barnstable, COMM, Cotuit, Hyannis, W.Barnstable)
2010 Town of Barnstable 5 depts............12,250 runs........33.5 per day   +3.6%
2009 Town of Barnstable 5 depts............11,818 runs........32.4 per day    -2.4%
2008 Town of Barnstable 5 depts............12,099 runs........33.1 per day    +0.1%
2007 Town of Barnstable 5 depts................12,014 runs........32.9 per day     +1.6%
2006 Town of Barnstable 5 depts................11,822 runs........32.4 per day      -0.5%
2005 Town of Barnstable 5 depts................11,885 runs........32.6 per day     +1.6%
2004 Town of Barnstable 5 depts................11,692 runs........32 per day         +2.8%
2003 Town of Barnstable 5 depts................11,372 runs........31 per day         +1.4%
2002 Town of Barnstable 5 depts................11,083 runs........30.3 per day      +1.4%
2001 Town of Barnstable 5 depts................10,929 runs........30 per day....     +3.8%
2000 Town of Barnstable 5 Depts...............10,529 runs........28.8 per day



Rank Dept 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
#1 Yarmouth Fire Dept 5,900 6,135 6,450 6,271 6,694  
#2 Hyannis Fire Dept 5,843 5,825 6,048 5,799 6,114  
#3 Falmouth Fire Dept 5,544 5,701 6,011 5,727 6,054  
#4 Dennis Fire Dept 4,425 4,669 4,676 4,510 4,587  
#5 Harwich Fire Dept 3,880 3,865 3,746 3,825 3,955  
#6 COMM Fire Dept 3,787 3,918 3,830 3,831 3,865  
#7 Bourne Fire Dept 3,417 3,579 3,555 3,696 3,729  
#8 Sandwich Fire Dept 3,428 3,583 3,496 3,482 3,538  
#9 Mashpee Fire Dept 2,834 2,823 2,883 2,774 2,813  
#10 Brewster Fire Dept 2,723 2,758 2,563 2,550 2,665  
#11 Orleans Fire Dept 2,202 2,382 2,295 2,420 2,407  
#12 Chatham Fire Dept 2,469 2,429 2,531 2,490 2,322  
#13 Eastham Fire Dept 1,975 2,189 2,018 2,087 1,814  
#14 Provincetown Fire Dept 1,290 1,274 1,330 1,289 1,309  
#15 Wellfleet Fire Dept 1,194 1,163 1,116 1,115 1,032  
#16 Barnstable Fire Dept 998 973 884 954 941  
#17 Otis/MMR Fire Dept 796 739 863 955 859  
#18 Truro Fire Dept 754 800 855 869 835  
#19 Cotuit Fire Dept 690 764 776 701 761  
#20 West Barnstable Fire Dept 504 534 561 533 569  
#21 Barnstable Municipal Airport 61 47 31 8 18  
  Totals 55,714 56,150 56,518 55,886




Rank Dept 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
#1 Yarmouth Fire Dept 4,947 5,306 5,296 5,375 5,566 5,917
#2 Hyannis Fire Dept 5,287 5,657 5,780 5,795 5,899 5,813
#3 Falmouth Fire Dept 4,671 4,773 5,435 5,485 5,342 5,455
#4 Dennis Fire Dept 3,747 3,967 3,975 3,922 4,299 4,526
#5 COMM Fire Dept 3,275 3,261 3,412 3,518 3,738 3,897
#6 Harwich Fire Dept 3,511 3,651 3,558 3,841 3,721 3,711
#7 Bourne Fire Dept 2,939 3,005 3,056 3,330 3,444 3,567
#8 Sandwich Fire Dept 2,670 2,874 3,012 3,205 3,292 3,484
#9 Brewster Fire Dept 2,205 2,378 2,625 2,418 2,692 2,931
#10 Mashpee Fire Dept 2,343 2,331 2,410 2,618 2,572 2,766
#11 Chatham Fire Dept 2,158 2,184 2,237 2,474 2,420 2,456
#12 Orleans Fire Dept 1,895 2,253 2,217 2,234 2,234 2,321
#13 Eastham Fire Dept 1,602 1,735 1,663 1,908 1,781 2,044
#14 Provincetown Fire Dept 1,291 1,433 1,546 1,332 1,332 1,305
#15 Wellfleet Fire Dept 1,034 1,362 1,316 1,068 1,488 1,212
#16 Barnstable Fire Dept 894 928 847 879 986 1,025
#17 Otis Fire Dept 886 805 903 880 867 793
#18 Truro Fire Dept 595 612 646 739 660 826
#19 Cotuit Fire Dept 642 629 594 629 565 714
#20 West Barnstable Fire Dept 431 443 450 555 504 536
#21 Barnstable Municipal Airport 24 11       10
  Totals 47,047 49,598 50,978 51,305 53,402 55,174


PLYMOUTH COUNTY               2009         2010            Info                                              
Plymouth Fire Dept........................5,432        5,914...........(3014F & 2900 EMS Assists)
(Plymouth AMR Amb runs)...........x,xxx        5,758...........(A portion overlap FD runs)
Wareham Fire Dept.......................1,918        2,356...........(Fire & FD EMS Assists)
Wareham EMS..............................2,852        3,252...........(Covering Wareham & Onset)
Onset Fire Dept.............................1,567        1,928...........(Fire & FD EMS Assists)

Duxbury Fire Dept..........................xxxxx        x,xxx ..........Fire & EMS               

Nantucket Fire Dept...................... xxxxx        x,xxx...........Fire & EMS


PLYMOUTH COUNTY               2006         2009            Info                                              
Plymouth Fire Dept........................5,337        5,432...........(Fire & 2708 FD EMS Assists)
(Plymouth AMR Amb runs)........... 5,429        x,xxx...........(A portion overlap FD runs)
Wareham Fire Dept....................... 2,194        1,918...........(Fire & FD EMS Assists)
Wareham EMS.............................. 2,736        2,852...........(Covering Wareham & Onset)
Onset Fire Dept..............................1,657        1,567...........(Fire & FD EMS Assists)

Duxbury Fire Dept..........................1,956        x,xxx ..........Fire & EMS               

Nantucket Fire Dept.......................3,090        x,xxx...........Fire & EMS


PLYMOUTH COUNTY               2005         2006            Info                                              
Plymouth Fire Dept........................5,492        5,337...........(Fire & FD EMS Assists)
(Plymouth AMR Amb runs)........... 5,341        5,429...........(A portion overlap FD runs)
Wareham Fire Dept....................... 2,195        2,194...........(Fire & FD EMS Assists)
Wareham EMS.............................. 2,631        2,736...........(Covering Wareham & Onset)
Onset Fire Dept..............................1,765        1,657...........(Fire & FD EMS Assists)

Duxbury Fire Dept.......................... 2,106       1,956 ..........Fire & EMS               

Nantucket Fire Dept.......................3,259        3,090...........Fire & EMS

PLYMOUTH COUNTY               2004         2005            Info                                              
Plymouth Fire Dept........................5,486        5,492...........(Fire & FD EMS Assists)
(Plymouth AMR Amb runs)........... 5,240        5,341...........(A portion overlap FD runs)
Wareham Fire Dept....................... 1,928        2,195...........(Fire & FD EMS Assists)
Wareham EMS.............................. 2,617        2,631...........(Covering Wareham & Onset)
Onset Fire Dept..............................1,638        1,765...........(Fire & FD EMS Assists)

PLYMOUTH COUNTY               2001         2004            Info                                              
Plymouth Fire Dept........................4,685        5,486...........(Fire & FD EMS Assists)
(Plymouth AMR Amb runs)............4,720        5,240...........(A portion overlap FD runs)
Wareham Fire Dept........................1,732        1,928...........(Fire & FD EMS Assists)
Wareham EMS...............................2,628        2,617...........(Covering Wareham & Onset)
Onset Fire Dept..............................1,134        1,638...........(Fire & FD EMS Assists)