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(10 Year 2000 vs 2010)

(Posted January 6, 2007 - Updated Jan 20, 2007)

Rank Dept 2005 2006 Change % Chg Ave Day Rank '05
#1 Yarmouth Fire Dept 5,917 5,900 -17 -0.3% 16.2 #1
#2 Hyannis Fire Dept . 5,813 5,843 +30 +0.5% 16.0 #2
#3 Falmouth Fire Dept 5,455 5,544 +89 +1.6% 15.2 #3
#4 Dennis Fire Dept 4,491 4,425 -66 -1.5% 12.1 #4
#5 Harwich Fire Dept 3,711 3,880 +169 +4.6% 10.6 #6
#6 COMM Fire Dept 3,797 3,787 -10 -0.3% 10.4 #5
#7 Bourne Fire Dept 3,567 3,487 -80 -3.3% 9.5 #7
#8 Sandwich Fire Dept 3,484 3,428 -56 -1.7% 9.4 #8
#9 Mashpee Fire Dept 2,766 2,834 +73 +2.6% 7.8 #10
#10 Brewster Fire Dept 2,931 2,723 -208 -7.1% 7.5 #9
#11 Chatham Fire Dept 2,456 2,469  xx xx% xx #11
#12 Orleans Fire Dept 2,321 2.202 -119 -5.1% 6.0 #12
#13 Eastham Fire Dept 2,044 1,975 -69 -3.4% 5.4 #13
#14 Provincetown Fire Dept 1305 1,290 -15 -1.2% 3.5 #14
#15 Wellfleet Fire Dept 1,212 1,194 -18 -1.5% 3.3 #15
#16 Barnstable Fire Dept 1,025 998 -27 -2.7% 2.7 #16
#17 Otis Fire Dept 793 796 +3 +0.3% 2.2 #18
#18 Truro Fire Dept 826 754 -72 -8.8% 2.1 #17
#19 Cotuit Fire Dept 714 690 -24 -3.4% 1.9 #19
#20 West Barnstable Fire Dept 536 504 -32 -6.0% 1.4 #20
#21 Barnstable Municipal Airport 10 61        #21
  TOTALS 55,174 54,784        

01/20/07 - Updated
Cape Cod Unofficial Total 2006 Runs.....est 54,784 runs
.....150.1 / day
                                      Decrease of 390 runs from 2005
                                                                                         Approximate figures based on information available
 Cape Cod Unofficial Total 2005 Runs.........est 55,174 runs........151.1 / day..   .                                                  (An increase of 1,772 runs from last year)

 Cape Cod Unofficial Total 2004 Runs.........est 53,402 runs........146.3 / day..  .                                                  (An increase of 1,197 runs from last year)

 Cape Cod Unofficial Total 2003 Runs.........est 51,305 runs........140 / day..   .                                                  (An increase of 327 runs from last year)
 Cape Cod Unofficial Total 2002 Runs.........est 50,978 runs........140 / day.. +2.7% .                                                  (An increase of 1,380 runs from last year)

 Cape Cod Unofficial Total 2001 Runs.........est 49,598 runs........136 / day.. +4.8%                                                    (An increase of 1,380 runs from last year)
 Cape Cod Unofficial Total 2000 Runs........ est 47,047 runs........128 / day



BSO Stats  (Barnstable, Bourne, Brewster, Mashpee, Orleans, West Barnstable Dispatch)
2006 BSO - Barn Sheriff's Dept Dispatched...12,753 runs.....34.9 per day   -3.0%
2005 BSO - Barn Sheriff's Dept Dispatched...13,146 runs.....36.0 per day      +34.9%
2004 BSO - Barn Sheriff's Dept Dispatched.... 9,740 runs.....26.6 per day      +1.3%
2003 BSO - Barn Sheriff's Dept Dispatched.....9.616 runs.....26.3 per day      +7.1%
2002 BSO - Barn Sheriff's Dept Dispatched.....8,980 runs.....24.6 per day      +0.2%
2001 BSO - Barn Sheriff's Dept Dispatched.....8,960 runs.....24.5 per day    +35.6%
2000 BSO - Barn Sheriff's Dept Dispatched.....6,607 runs.....18.1 per day

COMM Stats  (COMM & Cotuit Dispatch)
2006 COMM & Cotuit Dispatch.... 3,787 & 690   4,477 runs    12.3 per day   -0.8%
2005 COMM & Cotuit Dispatch.... 3,797 & 714   4,511 runs    12.4 per day   +4.8%
2004 COMM & Cotuit Dispatch.... 3,738 & 565   4,303 runs    11.8 per day   +3.8%
2003 COMM & Cotuit Dispatch.... 3,518 & 629   4,147 runs    11.4 per day   +3.5%
2002 COMM & Cotuit Dispatch.... 3,412 & 594   4,006 runs    11.0 per day   +2.9%
2001 COMM & Cotuit Dispatch.... 3,261 & 629   3,890 runs    10.6 per day   -0.7%
2000 COMM & Cotuit Dispatch.... 3,275 & 642   3,917 runs    10.7 per day

Town of Barnstable (Barnstable, COMM, Cotuit, Hyannis, W.Barnstable)
2006 Town of Barnstable 5 depts............11,822 runs........32.4 per day     -0.5%
2005 Town of Barnstable 5 depts................11,885 runs........32.6 per day     +1.6%
2004 Town of Barnstable 5 depts................11,692 runs........32 per day         +2.8%
2003 Town of Barnstable 5 depts................11,372 runs........31 per day         +1.4%
2002 Town of Barnstable 5 depts................11,083 runs........30.3 per day      +1.4%
2001 Town of Barnstable 5 depts................10,929 runs........30 per day....     +3.8%
2000 Town of Barnstable 5 Depts...............10,529 runs........28.8 per day


CMED Stats
Barnstable CMED documented approximately 42,930 EMS runs in 2006. There were 41,509 EMS runs in 2005.  This includes incidents on Martha's Vineyard and several Plymouth County departments that utilize the Cape & Islands EMS radio system. There were 37,785 EMS runs in 2001. The Sheriff's office took over 20,000 911 calls in 2006 and handled 2,691 BCI calls, 489 K-9 Calls, and over 1500 transactions for the CCNS.. There were also approximately 590 mutual aid calls through BCC.

Rank Dept 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
#1 .Yarmouth Fire Dept 4,947 5,306 5,296 5,375 5,566 5,917
#2 Hyannis Fire Dept 5,287 5,657 5,780 5,795 5,899 5,813
#3 Falmouth Fire Dept 4,671 4,773 5,435 5,485 5,342 5,455
#4 Dennis Fire Dept 3,747 3,967 3,975 3,922 4,299 4,526
#5 COMM Fire Dept 3,275 3,261 3,412 3,518 3,738 3,897
#6 Harwich Fire Dept 3,511 3,651 3,558 3,841 3,721 3,711
#7 Bourne Fire Dept 2,939 3,005 3,056 3,330 3,444 3,567
#8 Sandwich Fire Dept 2,670 2,874 3,012 3,205 3,292 3,484
#9 Brewster Fire Dept 2,205 2,378 2,625 2,418 2,692 2,931
#10 Mashpee Fire Dept 2,343 2,331 2,410 2,618 2,572 2,766
#11 Chatham Fire Dept 2,158 2,184 2,237 2,474 2,420 2,456
#12 Orleans Fire Dept 1,895 2,253 2,217 2,234 2,234 2,321
#13 Eastham Fire Dept 1,602 1,735 1,663 1,908 1,781 2,044
#14 Provincetown Fire Dept 1,291 1,433 1,546 1,332 1,332 1,305
#15 Wellfleet Fire Dept 1,034 1,362 1,316 1,068 1,488 1,212
#16 Barnstable Fire Dept 894 928 847 879 986 1,025
#17 Otis Fire Dept 886 805 903 880 867 793
#18 Truro Fire Dept 595 612 646 739 660 826
#19 Cotuit Fire Dept 642 629 594 629 565 714
#20 West Barnstable Fire Dept 431 443 450 555 504 536
#21 Barnstable Municipal Airport 24 11       10
  Totals 47,047 49,598 50,978 51,305 53,402 55,174

PLYMOUTH COUNTY               2005         2006            Info                                              
Plymouth Fire Dept........................5,492        5,337...........(Fire & FD EMS Assists)
(Plymouth AMR Amb runs)........... 5,341        5,429...........(A portion overlap FD runs)
Wareham Fire Dept....................... 2,195        2,194...........(Fire & FD EMS Assists)
Wareham EMS.............................. 2,631        2,736...........(Covering Wareham & Onset)
Onset Fire Dept..............................1,765        1,657...........(Fire & FD EMS Assists)

Duxbury Fire Dept.......................... 2,106       1,956 ..........Fire & EMS               

Nantucket Fire Dept.......................3,259        3,090...........Fire & EMS

PLYMOUTH COUNTY               2004         2005            Info                                              
Plymouth Fire Dept........................5,486        5,492...........(Fire & FD EMS Assists)
(Plymouth AMR Amb runs)........... 5,240        5,341...........(A portion overlap FD runs)
Wareham Fire Dept....................... 1,928        2,195...........(Fire & FD EMS Assists)
Wareham EMS.............................. 2,617        2,631...........(Covering Wareham & Onset)
Onset Fire Dept..............................1,638        1,765...........(Fire & FD EMS Assists)

PLYMOUTH COUNTY               2001         2004            Info                                              
Plymouth Fire Dept........................4,685        5,486...........(Fire & FD EMS Assists)
(Plymouth AMR Amb runs)............4,720        5,240...........(A portion overlap FD runs)
Wareham Fire Dept........................1,732        1,928...........(Fire & FD EMS Assists)
Wareham EMS...............................2,628        2,617...........(Covering Wareham & Onset)
Onset Fire Dept..............................1,134        1,638...........(Fire & FD EMS Assists)