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Pilgrim Lane and Baxter Road
Saturday  April 30, 2013  Approx 0422 hrs
[ P1 ] [ P2 ]

The Hyannis Fire Department responded on a still alarm to a report of smoke in the area.
On arrival, the first engine found one single story house on Pilgrim Lane  fully involved. A first alarm assignment
brought additional help to the scene. Crews experienced water problems when it was discovered
hydrants on Pilgrim had no pressure (it was later determined that a valve had been shut off during some
water main work previously and had not been turned back on.)

As crews battled the first fire, another house 2 doors down was discovered to also be on fire.
A second alarm was transmitted bringing some additional help to the scene.
Yet a third house, next to the second fire was found to also have been damaged by fire.

A short time later, a Barnstable Police officer checking the area found a fourth house
on Baxter Road (just down the street from Pilgrim Road) was on fire.
Crews from Yarmouth and COMM were able to contain this fire.

In all, 3 alarms were transmitted with apparatus from across the Cape being
brought to the scene, to a staging area (in case of additional fires), and to provide
coverage for vacant fire stations in the mid-Cape area.

Hyannis, Yarmouth, COMM, Barnstable, and West Barnstable responded to
and operated at the scene (s). The Red Cross also provided services on scene.

The Hyannis FD, Barnstable PD, and State Fire Marshall's office
are investigating the suspicious fires.


The fourth fire in this Baxter Road house.

[ P1 ] [ P2 ]