Page 3
The following special photos were submitted as
listed below.
(Added August 2013 - Updated January 2017)
Page 2 - Historic Collection 1862-1885
1890 - Fire Boat "The New Yorker"
1892 - Fire Boat "David A. Boody"
1898 - Fire Boat "Robert A Van Wyck"
1898 - Fire Boat "William L/ Strong"
Page 4 - Historic Collection 1903-1907

"The New Yorker" an early photo
John Landers - Beth Klein Collection
"The New Yorker"
125' x 26' x 12'. 13,000 gpm.
Early photo shown prior to installation of the roof deck monitors
and the name plate being placed
on the pilot house. Also shown with original style stack and square
Photos of the New Yorker showing square
portholes date to when the crew lived on board the vessel.

"The New Yorker"
John Landers - Beth Klein Collection
"The New Yorker"
125' x 26' x 12'. 13,000 gpm.
Steel hull - Coal fired Steam power
Castle Garden, Battery, Manhattan
"Engine 57"
"Engine 77"

January 1891 Harper's Weekly wood etching of "The New Yorker"
John Landers - Beth Klein Collection
"The New Yorker"
125' x 26' x 12'. 13,000 gpm.
Steel hull - Coal fired Steam power
Castle Garden, Battery, Manhattan
"Engine 57"
"Engine 77"

Drawing of "The New Yorker" doing a streams display
William Noonan collection
"The New Yorker"
125' x 26' x 12'. 13,000 gpm.
Steel hull - Coal fired Steam power
Castle Garden, Battery, Manhattan
"Engine 57"
"Engine 77"

Fireboat "The New Yorker" at Castle Garden Bulkhead in 1893
John Landers - Beth Klein Collection
"The New Yorker"
125' x 26' x 12'. 13,000 gpm.
Steel hull - Coal fired Steam power
Castle Garden, Battery, Manhattan
"Engine 57"
"Engine 77"

Fireboat "The New Yorker" at quarters in 1899
John Landers - Beth Klein Collection
"The New Yorker"
125' x 26' x 12'. 13,000 gpm.
Steel hull - Coal fired Steam power
Castle Garden, Battery, Manhattan
"Engine 57"
"Engine 77"

"The New Yorker" at the Engine 57 Quarters at the Battery.
Note the black and red color scheme.
Landers - Beth Klein Collection
"The New Yorker"
125' x 26' x 12'. 13,000 gpm.
Built by Julius Johnson of New York City
Steel hull - Coal fired Steam power
Castle Garden, Battery, Manhattan
"Engine 57"
"Engine 77"
Note: The New Yorker was the first New York
fireboat with quarters
on shore. Previous boats had accommodations on board for the crew.

"The New Yorker" ready to entertain a massive crowd at the Battery.
Landers - Beth Klein Collection
"The New Yorker"
125' x 26' x 12'. 13,000 gpm.
Built by Julius Johnson of New York City
Steel hull - Coal fired Steam power
Castle Garden, Battery, Manhattan
"Engine 57"
"Engine 77"

"The New Yorker" with Chief John Kenlon on deck watching monitor
Landers - Beth Klein Collection
"The New Yorker"
125' x 26' x 12'. 13,000 gpm.
Built by Julius Johnson of New York City
Steel hull - Coal fired Steam power
Castle Garden, Battery, Manhattan
"Engine 57"
"Engine 77"

"The New Yorker" with Pier A in background
Landers - Beth Klein Collection
"The New Yorker"
125' x 26' x 12'. 13,000 gpm.
Built by Julius Johnson of New York City
Steel hull - Coal fired Steam power
Castle Garden, Battery, Manhattan
"Engine 57"
"Engine 77"
Note: The New Yorker was the first New York
fireboat with quarters
on shore. Previous boats had accommodations on board for the crew.

"The New Yorker" Engine 57 quarters at the Battery
John Landers - Beth Klein Collection
"The New Yorker"
125' x 26' x 12'. 13,000 gpm
Steel hull - Coal fired Steam power
Castle Garden, Battery, Manhattan
"Engine 57"
"Engine 77"

Engine 57 original headquarters at the Battery
John Landers - Beth Klein Collection
"The New Yorker"
125' x 26' x 12'. 13,000 gpm
Steel hull - Coal fired Steam power
Castle Garden, Battery, Manhattan
"Engine 57"
"Engine 77"

Blessing of the fireboats by Cardinal Loesch at the Battery in 1914
John Landers - Beth Klein Collection
"The New Yorker"
125' x 26' x 12'. 13,000 gpm
Steel hull - Coal fired Steam power
Castle Garden, Battery, Manhattan
"Engine 57"
"Engine 77"

Dignitaries aboard "The New Yorker" for the fireboats blessing 1914.
John Landers - Beth Klein Collection
"The New Yorker"
125' x 26' x 12'. 13,000 gpm
Steel hull - Coal fired Steam power
Castle Garden, Battery, Manhattan
"Engine 57"
"Engine 77"

"The New Yorker"
John Landers - Beth Klein Collection
"The New Yorker"
125' x 26' x 12'. 13,000 gpm.
Steel hull - Coal fired Steam power
Castle Garden, Battery, Manhattan
"Engine 57"
"Engine 77"
Shown as Engine 57 quarters (left) at the Battery, Manhattan

"The New Yorker" at the Battery
John Landers - Beth Klein Collection
"The New Yorker"
125' x 26' x 12'. 13,000 gpm.
Steel hull - Coal fired Steam power
Castle Garden, Battery, Manhattan
"Engine 57"
"Engine 77"
Shown as Engine 57 quarters (left) at the Battery, Manhattan

"The New Yorker" at Pier A showing original design
with deckgun flowing.
John Landers - Beth Klein Collection
"The New Yorker"
125' x 26' x 12'. 13,000 gpm.
Steel hull - Coal fired Steam power
Castle Garden, Battery, Manhattan
"Engine 57"
"Engine 77"

"The New Yorker" at the launching of the Thomas Willet at Newburgh,
NY 1908.
John Landers - Beth Klein Collection
"The New Yorker"
125' x 26' x 12'. 13,000 gpm.
Steel hull - Coal fired Steam power
Castle Garden, Battery, Manhattan
"Engine 57"
"Engine 77"

"The New Yorker" operating at a fire
John Landers - Beth Klein Collection
"The New Yorker"
125' x 26' x 12'. 13,000 gpm.
Steel hull - Coal fired Steam power
Castle Garden, Battery, Manhattan
"Engine 57"
"Engine 77"

"The New Yorker" and the launch "Velox"
John Landers - Beth Klein Collection
"The New Yorker"
125' x 26' x 12'. 13,000 gpm
Steel hull - Coal fired Steam power
Castle Garden, Battery, Manhattan
"Engine 57"
"Engine 77"
"The New Yorker" and crew on the bow
John Landers - Beth Klein Collection
"The New Yorker"
125' x 26' x 12'. 13,000 gpm
Steel hull - Coal fired Steam power
Castle Garden, Battery, Manhattan
"Engine 57"
"Engine 77"

"The New Yorker" and "Zophar Mills" fight fire in
German Freighter
John Landers - Beth Klein Collection
"The New Yorker"
125' x 26' x 12'. 13,000 gpm
Steel hull - Coal fired Steam power
Castle Garden, Battery, Manhattan
"Engine 57"
"Engine 77"

"The New Yorker" battling the City of Stamford ferryboat fire
John Landers - Beth Klein Collection
"The New Yorker"
125' x 26' x 12'. 13,000 gpm
Steel hull - Coal fired Steam power
Castle Garden, Battery, Manhattan
"Engine 57"
"Engine 77"

"The New Yorker" tackles the German ocean liner Hamburg blaze
John Landers - Beth Klein Collection
"The New Yorker"
125' x 26' x 12'. 13,000 gpm
Steel hull - Coal fired Steam power
Castle Garden, Battery, Manhattan
"Engine 57"
"Engine 77"

"The New Yorker" water display.
John Landers - Beth Klein Collection
"The New Yorker"
125' x 26' x 12'. 13,000 gpm
Steel hull - Coal fired Steam power
Castle Garden, Battery, Manhattan
"Engine 57"
"Engine 77"

"The New Yorker" is escorted by the "John Purroy Mitchel" and the
"Thomas Willet"
on her last trip
around New York Harbor in 1931.
John Landers - Beth Klein Collection
"The New Yorker"
125' x 26' x 12'. 13,000 gpm
Steel hull - Coal fired Steam power
Castle Garden, Battery, Manhattan
"Engine 57"
"Engine 77"

"The New Yorker" in dry dock.
John Landers - Beth Klein Collection
"The New Yorker"
125' x 26' x 12'. 13,000 gpm
Steel hull - Coal fired Steam power
Castle Garden, Battery, Manhattan
"Engine 57"
"Engine 77"

A colorized image of "The New Yorker" at Engine 57 c.1937
Submitted by John Landers and Beth Klein
"The New Yorker"
125' x 26' x 12'. 13,000 gpm
Steel hull - Coal fired Steam power
Castle Garden, Battery, Manhattan
"Engine 57"
"Engine 77"

A color image of "The New Yorker" underway with display.
From John Landers and Beth Klein Collection (2023)
"The New Yorker"
125' x 26' x 12'. 13,000 gpm
Steel hull - Coal fired Steam power
Castle Garden, Battery, Manhattan
"Engine 57"
"Engine 77"

Brooklyn Fireboat "David A. Boody"
John Landers - Beth Klein Collection
David A. Boody
105' x 23' x 7'. 6500 gpm.
Built by W. Cowles at Noank, Connecticut
Wooden hull - coal and steam powered
Brooklyn Fire Dept
"Engine 32"
"Engine 132"
"Engine 232"

Brooklyn Fireboat "David A. Boody"
John Landers - Beth Klein Collection
David A. Boody
105' x 23' x 7'. 6500 gpm.
Built by W. Cowles at Noank, Connecticut
Wooden hull - coal and steam powered
Brooklyn Fire Dept
"Engine 32"
"Engine 132"
"Engine 232"

Brooklyn Fireboat "David A. Boody"
John Landers - Beth Klein Collection
David A. Boody
105' x 23' x 7'. 6500 gpm.
Built by W. Cowles at Nohank, Connecticut
Wooden hull - coal and steam powered
Brooklyn Fire Dept
"Engine 32"
"Engine 132"
"Engine 232"
Clipping from New York Times -
February 14, 1899
David A. Boody
105' x 23' x 7'. 6500 gpm.
Brooklyn Fire Dept
"Engine 32"
"Engine 132"
"Engine 232"

Brooklyn Fireboat "David A. Boody" after her FDNY usage
John Landers - Beth Klein Collection
David A. Boody
105' x 23' x 7'. 6500 gpm.
Brooklyn Fire Dept
"Engine 32"
"Engine 132"
"Engine 232"

Brooklyn Fireboat "David A. Boody" after her FDNY service
went on to serve as a freight lighter.
John Landers - Beth Klein Collection
David A. Boody
105' x 23' x 7'. 6500 gpm.
Brooklyn Fire Dept
"Engine 32"
"Engine 132"
"Engine 232"
A clipping from Brooklyn Daily Eagle, August 15, 1930
Provided by John Landers & Beth Klein
Before Brooklyn
became a borough the David A. Boody was built by
its Mayor of that time to be the last word in fireboats.
She is shown as she looks nowadays, as a steam lighter
along the Brooklyn waterfront.
Proud of the
fact that their ship is the sole survivor of the days
when the City of Brooklyn operated its own fireboats,
sailors on the steam lighter David A Boody are
honoring the name of the last Democratic Mayor in
Brooklyn who named her after himself 38 years ago.
According to
the Boody's Chief Engineer Robert Champeau, they are
planning to collect a quarter each time one of her crew
lets loose with an oath (curse). Problem is the crew is
simply not profane enough. The fund will be used for
purchasing and installing in the pilot house a deluxe
size photo properly framed of the late Mr. Boody.
The steam
lighter was tied up undergoing two day of repairs after
delivering a load of rank-smelling hides to the Butler
Warehouses. The fact that the flag on the stern of the
Boody was at half mast is what caught this
reporters attention at first. Mr. Champeau said this was
a tribute to Mr. Boody who died five months ago at the
ripe old age of 92. "When we get our picture
we can let the flag run all the way up."
"She is one
powerful vessel" said the Chief Engineer who has been
with her since she was condemned for firefighting in the
harbor 13 years ago. "Actually, she was too powerful"
according to Champeau. "When she turned the full force
of her pumps on her top seams would open. Mayor Boody
had her built that way. In her day she was the fastest
fireboat in the harbor, and for speed of delivering
water I don't think they could beat her today. She is a
big little boat, even now she can carry up to 150 tons
of freight at 12 mph. I don't think another steam
lighter in the harbor, with the exception of the Jack
Frost can pass her when she is stepping."
"I know
her from stem to stern. I took her fireboat engine and
pumps out in 1917. Her present engine is as much of a
veteran as herself. It came from the Croton which
was a former water boat. The Boody's bottom is as
clean as her pilot house window pane and she has one of
the finest shaped hulls in port. Between her deckhouse
and her forward cleat she can carry 730 drums of asphalt
standing on end" added Champeau who proudly boasted the
little known fact that the Boody has served both
the City of Brooklyn and her country as the Navy took
her over during the war and kept her five years, longer
than any other boat. "In those days she was housed in,
carrying fruits and other stuff from the Navy Yard to
ships in the harbor. She's done her job and done it well
for many years and we are glad she's ours cause she has
many more years of harbor service left in her.

Fireboat "Robert A. Van Wyck"
John Landers - Beth Klein
"Robert A. Van Wyck*"
110' x 24' x 12.6'. 6500 gpm
Designed by H deB Parsons
Built by J. H. Dialogue & Son
Steel hull,
203 gross tons, 10 knots
Coal Fired
Berth Foot of Grand Street, Manhattan
"Engine 66"
*This boat was originally christened as the "William L Strong" but the name was
changed to the
"Robert A. Van Wyck" prior to going into service (Van Wyck was the Mayor at the
It was renamed the "William L Strong" once again after the mayor's term ended
in 1902.

Fireboat "Robert A. Van Wyck"
John Landers - Beth Klein
"Robert A. Van Wyck*"
110' x 24' x 12.6'. 6500 gpm
Designed by H deB Parsons
Built by J. H. Dialogue & Son
Steel hull,
203 gross tons, 10 knots
Coal Fired
Berth Foot of Grand Street, Manhattan
"Engine 66"
*This boat was originally christened as the "William L Strong" but the name was
changed to the
"Robert A. Van Wyck" prior to going into service (Van Wyck was the Mayor at the
It was renamed the "William L Strong" once again after the mayor's term ended
in 1902.

Fireboat "William L Strong" taking up hose in snow
John Landers - Beth Klein
"William L. Strong"
100' x 24' x 12.6'. 6500 gpm.
(AKA the Robert A VanWyck)
Designed by H deB Parsons
Built by J. H. Dialogue & Son
Steel hull,
203 gross tons, 10 knots
Coal Fired
Berth Foot of Grand Street, Manhattan
"Engine 66"
"Engine 51"
Extremely Rare picture showing the "Strong" with an extended crew cabin from her
early days
(see the Van Wyck above). The extended cabin was removed within 6 months of her
renamed as the "William L Strong" again.

Fireboat "William L Strong" at quarters with winter ice.
John Landers - Beth Klein
"William L. Strong"
100' x 24' x 12.6'. 6500 gpm.
(AKA the Robert A VanWyck)
Designed by H deB Parsons
Built by J. H. Dialogue & Son
Steel hull,
203 gross tons, 10 knots
Coal Fired
Berth Foot of Grand Street, Manhattan
"Engine 66"
"Engine 51"
Extremely Rare picture showing the "Strong" with an extended crew cabin from her
early days
(see the Van Wyck above). The extended cabin was removed within 6 months of her
renamed as the "William L Strong" again.

Fireboat "William L Strong"
John Landers - Beth Klein
"William L. Strong"
100' x 24' x 12.6'. 6500 gpm.
Designed by H deB Parsons
Built by J. H. Dialogue & Son
Steel hull,
203 gross tons, 10 knots
Coal Fired
Berth Foot of Grand Street, Manhattan
"Engine 66"
"Engine 51"

Fireboat "William L Strong" & Tender "Smoke"
John Landers - Beth Klein
"William L. Strong"
100' x 24' x 12.6'. 6500 gpm.
Designed by H deB Parsons
Built by J. H. Dialogue & Son
Steel hull,
203 gross tons, 10 knots
Coal Fired
Berth Foot of Grand Street, Manhattan
"Engine 66"
"Engine 51"

Fireboat "William L Strong" salutes USA military fleet 1936
John Landers - Beth Klein
"William L. Strong"
100' x 24' x 12.6'. 6500 gpm.
Designed by H deB Parsons
Built by J. H. Dialogue & Son
Steel hull,
203 gross tons, 10 knots
Coal Fired
Berth Foot of Grand Street, Manhattan
"Engine 66"
"Engine 51"

Fireboat "William L Strong" water display
John Landers - Beth Klein
"William L. Strong"
100' x 24' x 12.6'. 6500 gpm.
Designed by H deB Parsons
Built by J. H. Dialogue & Son
Steel hull,
203 gross tons, 10 knots
Coal Fired
Berth Foot of Grand Street, Manhattan
"Engine 66"
"Engine 51"

Fireboats "New Yorker" and "William L Strong" operating
John Landers - Beth Klein
"William L. Strong"
100' x 24' x 12.6'. 6500 gpm.
Designed by H deB Parsons
Built by J. H. Dialogue & Son
Steel hull,
203 gross tons, 10 knots
Coal Fired
Berth Foot of Grand Street, Manhattan
"Engine 66"
"Engine 51"

Fireboat "William L. Strong" and crew circa 1936.
John Landers - Beth Klein
"William L. Strong"
100' x 24' x 12.6'. 6500 gpm.
Designed by H deB Parsons
Built by J. H. Dialogue & Son
Steel hull,
203 gross tons, 10 knots
Coal Fired
Berth Foot of Grand Street, Manhattan
"Engine 66"
"Engine 51"

Fireboats "William L. Strong" and "John Purroy Mitchel"
battling a waterfront warehouse fire in March 1936.
William Noonan collection
"William L. Strong"
100' x 24' x 12.6'. 6500 gpm.
Designed by H deB Parsons
Built by J. H. Dialogue & Son
Steel hull,
203 gross tons, 10 knots
Coal Fired
Berth Foot of Grand Street, Manhattan
"Engine 66"
"Engine 51"

Fireboats "William L. Strong" and "John Purroy Mitchel"
battling a waterfront warehouse fire in March 1936.
NOTE: This is one of the earliest known color photos of the FDNY.
John Landers - Beth Klein
"William L. Strong"
100' x 24' x 12.6'. 6500 gpm.
Designed by H deB Parsons
Built by J. H. Dialogue & Son
Steel hull,
203 gross tons, 10 knots
Coal Fired
Berth Foot of Grand Street, Manhattan
"Engine 66"
"Engine 51"
Page 2 - Historic Collection 1862-1885
1890 - Fire Boat "The New Yorker"
1892 - Fire Boat "David A. Boody"
1898 - Fire Boat "Robert A Van Wyck"
1898 - Fire Boat "William L/ Strong"
Page 4 - Historic Collection 1903-1907
Thanks to John Landers and Beth Klein for sharing these amazing
historical images
of these old FDNY fireboats
August 2013 - September 2017 |