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Tuesday   September 27, 2022

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Much of the West Barnstable community is not covered by a municipal water system, ie fire hydrants.
In order to be prepared to fight fires, the department conducts annual drills that use a tanker-shuttle
plan using in house and mutual aid apparatus to bring sufficient water to a fire scene.

This year's drill was held on Tuesday September 27, 2022.
Apparatus from West Barnstable, Barnstable, COMM, Cotuit, Hyannis, Sandwich, Mashpee,
Joint Base Cape Cod, Bourne, and Plymouth were involved.
A simulated fire incident at a local church on Route 6A served as the sight for the drill.

Barnstable Engine 202 initiated a water flow with a 2-1/2" hose line and a deckgun.
The estimated flow of about 750 gpm was the goal.
Portable dump tanks were set up and filled by tankers.
Engines drafted from the dump tanks and supplied Engine 202 throughout.

A lot of the drill was documented to study times, gpms, turn around times, and
all the data to review for improving operations.
Much of the data is used to support improvements in insurance rates.
The drill went approximately 2 hours.



West Barnstable Fire Chief Joe Maruca and Deputy Dave Paananen reviewed
the goals, safety considerations, and other aspects of the evolution prior to the drill.


First arriving Barnstable Engine 202 gets set up.

WBFD Tanker 286 supports Engine 202 initially.

West Barnstable Engine 294 and Engine-Tanker 296 setup the drafting pools.


West Barnstable Tanker Shuttle Drill
September 27, 2022

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