- Yarmouth Fire Station 3 - West Yarmouth (WY-3)
Yarmouth Engine 45
2011 Pierce Impel PUC 4 door cab forward Pumper - HR 1500 gpm (pump & roll) - 500 gals - 30 Class A - 50 Class B (diesel / automatic) Husky foam system Portable Deckgun - 1200' 4" LDH - 24' 14' 10' Ladders Gas & Elec PPV - ((6) SCBA (6) Spare Honda light - Generator - Gas Meter - Scott Thermal Imager Hurst Jaws, Cutter, 3 Rams Phillips FR2 AED
[MF-xxxx] Placed in service Aug 2011 Originally assigned to Station 1 as Engine 43 Reassigned to Engine 45 in Jan 2018 Assigned to Station 3 Replaced 2005 Pierce Enforcer 1500/500 Pumper reassigned to Engine 47 in Jan 2018 Replaced 1999 Emergency One Protector 1250/500/20A/50B/ Previous E43 reassigned to Engine 44