FAQS...  A few anyway

1.  Do I have any patches?
      No.  I am not a fire department and do not have patches to trade or give.  I have some of my own, but that's all.

2.  Can I tell you about job openings or exams?
      No.  But I do have a link on the Home Page with information on who to contact to get the information you want.

3.  Can I place a link to your site on my website?
      Yes and no.  I will place any personal or department link that I think is interesting and worth recommending. I will even consider some commercial links.  I haven't made a practice of taking Ads, but make me an offer. If I don't think your site is something visitors can use, I might not post it.  Don't take it personally.

4.  How many hits do I get?
      The daily average has steadily grown. In 5 years there have been almost 250,000 hits, with the current daily average being around 250 per day.  Many of you need to get a life!  Just kidding.  Thanks for you loyalty and keep coming back.

5.  "You must have spent a lot of time on that site."
      Yup.  You have no idea!   Thanks for noticing.  Cash, travelers cheques, other donations are welcome.

6.  Can I use one of your photos for....
      Use of photos is one of those funny things.  You will notice I don't mark all my photos up with my name or watermarks or stuff like that.  I don't lock them so you can't use them.  I am honored that you might like to use the pictures.  For copyright purposes, if you would like to use them for anything more than your own personal computer, just ask.   I am not against them being used as long as I know for what and by who.  Again, cash donations are truly wondeful....

7.  Would I like to post some of your photos?
      I don't do that 'generally' speaking, but I have accepted some great ones for the Features and even some from incidents.  I enjoy seeing your pictures and if I think other would as well, I would probably post it and give you the credit.  I just don't usually do it that way, since I have so many photos of my own to pick through.  So try me...

8.  Are all firefighters hot and sexy?
      Yes.  Just ask them.