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West Tisbury - Engine 2 - 1959 Ford F750/Maynard 750/800 Brush Breaker
Photo Aug 1989


M - Map
1A - E2    - 1959 Ford F750 4x4/Maynard 750/800 Brush Breaker
1B - E1    - 1969 International 4x4/Maynard 250/500 Brush Breaker
1C - E3    - 1975 Dodge 200/1800 Tanker
1D - M4   - 1980s (1964) International 300/2600 Tanker
1E - T734 - 1990s (1968) GMC Tanker 5000 gallon Tanker
1F - B6     - 1998 (1992) International 4x4/EJ Murphy 250/750 Brush Breaker
1G - T733 - 2000 International 4900/USA Tanker 1250/2200 Tanker
1H - T734 - 2003 International 4400 / USA Tanker 1250/2200 Tanker
1I   - B731 - 2007 ('98/'72) AM Gen 2.5 ton 6x6 / V-Tec 350/750 Brush Breaker
1J   - B732 - 2006 Sterling 4x4/EJ Murphy 350/650 Brush Breaker
1K  - B731 - 2013 International 4x4/V-Tec 350/750 Brush Breaker

2A - E2    - 1959 Ford F750 4x4/Maynard 750/800 Brush Breaker
2B - E1    - 1969 International 4x4/Maynard 250/500 Brush Breaker
2C - E3    - 1975 Dodge 200/1800 Tanker
2D - M4   - 1980s (1964) International 300/2600 Tanker
2E - T734 - 1990s (1968) GMC Tanker 5000 gallon Tanker
2F - B6     - 1998 (1992) International 4x4/EJ Murphy 250/750 Brush Breaker
2G - T733 - 2000 International 4900/USA Tanker 1250/2200 Tanker
2H - T734 - 2003 International 4400 / USA Tanker 1250/2200 Tanker
2I   - B731 - 2007 ('98/'72) AM Gen 2.5 ton 6x6 / V-Tec 350/750 Brush Breaker
2J   - B732 - 2006 Sterling 4x4/EJ Murphy 350/650 Brush Breaker
2K  - B731 - 2013 International 4x4/V-Tec 350/750 Brush Breaker





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1892 - Incorporated - Town of WEST TISBURY
41.8 - Square Miles - AREA
3,555 - Population - (2020) CENSUS
142 - Density - PER SQ MILE


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West Tisbury - Engine 2 - 1959 Ford/Maynard 750/800 Brush Breaker

West Tisbury - Engine 2 - 1959 Ford F750 4x4/Maynard 750/800 Brush Breaker
Photo April 2001

West Tisbury Fire Department bought this 1959 Ford F750 4x4/Maynard Brush Breaker. It had a 750 gpm front mount pump and carried 800 gallons of water. The truck also came equipped with a 250 gpm rear pump enabling it to pump and roll as a Brush Breaker. It also served as the primary fire truck and Engine for West Tisbury until about 1988 when they got their first pumper.

Engine 2 started out in the Old Courthouse Road Fire Station just off of State Road. It moved into the new West Tisbury Fire Station when it opened around 1990. The truck remained in service until about 2006 when the new West Tisbury Breaker 732 arrived.



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West Tisbury - Engine 1 - 1969 International/Maynard 600/650 Brush Breaker

West Tisbury - Engine 1 - 1969 International 4x4/Maynard 600/650 Brush Breaker
Photo Oct 1997

West Tisbury Engine 1 was a 1969 International 4x4 / Maynard Brush Breaker. It could pump about 600 gpm and carried about 650 gallons of water. The truck served Engine duties as well as operating as a Brush Breaker when needed.

The truck worked out of both the Old Courthouse and West Tisbury-Edgartown Road stations over the years. This photo from October 1997 was about the time that truck went out of service. Soon after in 1998, the DCR moved a 1992 International/EJ Murphy 250/750 Brush Breaker to the Vineyard and it was assigned to West Tisbury.



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West Tisbury - Engine 3 - 1975 Dodge 200/1800 Gallon Tanker

West Tisbury - Engine 3 - 1975 Dodge 200/1800 Tanker
Photo Oct 1997

West Tisbury Engine 3 was about a 1975 Dodge Tanker that carried about 1800 gallons and had a small 200 gpm pump.




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West Tisbury - Tanker M4 - 1980s (1964) International 300/2600 Tanker

West Tisbury - Tanker M4 / 734 - 1980s (1964) International 300/2600 Gallon Tanker
Photo Aug 1989

In the mid-1980s as West Tisbury expanded its Fire Station on West Tisbury-Edgartown Road, it acquired a larger tanker. A former military fuel truck was painted red and set up to serve the department. Photo Aug 1989 




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West Tisbury - Tanker 734 - 1990s (1968) GMC 5000 gallon Tanker

West Tisbury - Tanker 734 - 1990s (1968) GMC 5000 gallon Tanker
Photo Oct 1997

In the late 1990s, West Tisbury added this 1968 GMC former military fuel truck to its fleet. The 5000 gallon tank significantly increased the amount of water West Tisbury could count on.

This Tanker would serve until replaced by a new Tanker 734 in 2003.

Photo Oct 1997. 



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West Tisbury - Breaker 731 - 1998 (1992) International/EJ Murphy 250/750

West Tisbury - Breaker 731 - DCR 1998 (1992) International/EJ Murphy 250/750 Breaker
Photo Oct 1997

In 1998, the DCR District 1 moved its newest truck, the 1992 International 4x4/EJ Murphy Brush Breaker to the Vineyard. It has a 750 gallon tank and 250 gpm pump. Rather than it going to the barn at the Manuel Correllus State Forest, the truck was housed in the West Tisbury Fire Station on West Tisbury- Edgartown Road.

It was housed, staffed, and used by the West Tisbury Fire Department as Breaker 731 from about 1998 until 2007 when it returned to Shawme Crowell Forest back on the Cape.



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West Tisbury - Tanker 733 - 2000 International/USA 1250/2200 Tanker

West Tisbury - Tanker 733 - 2000 International 4900/USA Tanker 1250/2200 Tanker
Photo June 2014

In 2000, West Tisbury got their first new tanker. The International 4900 chassis, built by USA Tanker came with a 1250 gpm pump and a 2200 gallon stainless tank. The truck could act as an engine as well as a tanker.

The new truck went to the new Station 2 at 454 State Road built in 1999. 



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West Tisbury - Tanker 734 - 2003 International/USA 1250/2200 Tanker

West Tisbury - Tanker 734 - 2003 International 4400/USA Tanker 1250/2200 Tanker
Photo June 2014

West Tisbury took delivery of its second new tanker in 2003. The International 4400/USA Tanker Tanker 734 with 1250 gpm pump and 2200 gallon water tank is very similar to the 2000 Tanker 733. 

The new Tanker is assigned to the 551 Edgartown Road Station.



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West Tisbury - Breaker 731 - 2007 ('72/'98) AM Gen/V-Tec 350/750 Breaker

West Tisbury - B-731 - 2007 DCR (1998/'72) AM General 6x6/V-Tec 350/750 Brush Breaker
Photo May 2009

In 1998, DCR District 1 took delivery of a new Breaker 6. The 1972 AM General former military 6x6 chassis had been sent to V-Tec in Vermont where it was turned into a 750 gallon Brush Breaker with a 350 gpm pump. The truck started out in Shawme Crowell in Sandwich as Breaker 6, serving on the Cape from 1998 until about 2007.

In 2007, it went to the West Tisbury Fire Department becoming Breaker 731 and the 1992 International Breaker returned to Shawme Crowell as Breaker 6.

The 1998 Breaker operated out of the Edgartown Road station from 2007 until about 2013 when a new West Tisbury Breaker 731 was delivered. The truck then returned to the Cape DCR District 1 briefly and was then reassigned to the DCR District 2 headquarters at Myles Standish State Forest in Plymouth where it continues to operate.  



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West Tisbury - Breaker 732 - 2006 Sterling/EJ Murphy 300/650 Breaker

West Tisbury - Breaker 732 - 2006 Sterling 4x4/EJ Murphy 300/650/20 Brush Breaker
Photo June 2007

The first new Brush Breaker in West Tisbury was built in 2006 on a Sterling 4x4 chassis by EJ Murphy. The new truck has a 300 gpm pump, 650 gallon tank, and is equipped with a 20 gallon Class A foam system.

The truck is stationed at the West Tisbury Station 2 at 454 State Road. 




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West Tisbury - Breaker 731 - 2013 International/V-Tec 350/750 Breaker

West Tisbury - Breaker 731 - 2013 International 4x4/V-Tec 350/750 Brush Breaker
Photo June 2014

West Tisbury took delivery of their second new Brush Breaker in 2013. The 2013 International 4x4 chassis / V-Tec Brush Breaker has a 350 gpm pump and 750 gallon tank.

The new breaker was assigned to the West Tisbury Station 1 on Edgartown Road. The new Breaker 731 replaced the DCR 1998 V-Tec Breaker that then returned to the Cape 



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West Tisbury - Engine 2 - 1959 Ford/Maynard 750/800 Brush Breaker

West Tisbury - Engine 2 - 1959 Ford F750 4x4/Maynard 750/800 Brush Breaker
(Photos G Peters collection)

West Tisbury's brand new 1959 Ford / Maynard Brush Breaker Engine 2 stopped by the Mashpee Fire Department on Route 130 on its way to Martha's Vineyard.

The West Tisbury Fire Station on Old Courthouse Road was the main station and home to Engine 2.
1980s photo.

West Tisbury Engine 2 at the Edgartown Road station for an open house in August 1989.

West Tisbury Engine 2 in April 2001 at the new Station 2 on State Road.





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West Tisbury - Engine 1 - 1969 International 4x4/Maynard 600/650 Breaker

West Tisbury - Engine 1 - 1969 International 4x4/Maynard 600/650 Brush Breaker
Photo Aug 1989

The West Tisbury Brush Breaker Engine 1 at the Edgartown Road Station August 1989

West Tisbury - Engine 1 - 1969 International / Maynard 600/650 Brush Breaker at the Old Courthouse Road Station as it neared it retirement. Photo Oct 97.

The old West Tisbury Engine 1, 1969 International/Maynard Brush Breaker retired around 1997. These photos from 2008 were shared showing the end of life condition of the old truck.
(Sullivan collection)




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West Tisbury - Engine 3 - 1975 Dodge 200/1800 Tanker

West Tisbury - Engine 3 - 1975 Dodge 200/1800 Gallon Tanker
Photo Oct 1997

West Tisbury used this 1975 era Dodge as Engine 3. It is believed to have operated out of the Old Courthouse Road Station as a tanker in support of the two Brush Breakers Engine 1 and Engine 2.

This truck served into the late 1980s / early 1990s.




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West Tisbury - Tanker M4 - 1980s (1964) International 200/2600 Tanker

West Tisbury - Tanker - Edgartown Road Station - Early 1980s

The West Tisbury Fire Station 1 on West Tisbury-Edgartown Road was built back around 1950. It would have housed the 1969 International Engine 1 Brush Breaker at one time. In the late 1970s or early 1980s, WTFD took delivery of a 1964 International 200/2600 former military fuel Tanker to provide additional water. Over a few years the tanker was upgraded to serve for several years.

That old station was renovated and added onto in the early to mid 1980s.

West Tisbury - Tanker M4 - 1980s (1964) International / 200/2600 Tanker - Served several years until replaced.      (photo Aug 1989)



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West Tisbury - Tanker 734 - 1990s (1968) GMC 5000 gallon Tanker

West Tisbury - Tanker 734 - 1990s (1968) GMC 5000 Gallon Tanker

West Tisbury replaced the older 1964 International 200/2600 gallon Tanker in the early 1990s with this 1968 GMC 5000 gallon Tanker. It had previously been a military fuel truck.

This tanker served until replaced in 2003.

Photos Oct 1997




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West Tisbury - B-731 - 1998 (1992) International/Murphy 250/750 Breaker

West Tisbury - Breaker 731 - 1998 DCR (1992) International/EJ Murphy 250/750 Breaker

The 1992 International/EJ Murphy 250/750 DCR District 1 Brush Breaker 6 served at the West Tisbury Fire Station 1 as Breaker 731 from 1998 until about 2007.




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West Tisbury - Tanker 733 - 2000 International/USA Tanker 1250/2200 Tanker

West Tisbury - Tanker 733 - 2000 International/USA Tanker 1250/2200 Tanker
Photo May 2017

The new West Tisbury Tanker was delivered in 2000. The International 4900/USA Tanker has a 1250 gpm pump and 2200 gallon tank.

Tanker 733 - 2000 International 4900/USA Tanker 1250/2200 Tanker

June 2014 photo

May 2017 photo




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West Tisbury - Tanker 734 - 2003 International/USA Tanker 1250/2200 Tanker

West Tisbury - Tanker 734 - 2003 International/USA Tanker 1250/2200 Tanker
Photo May 2009

West Tisbury duplicated their 2000 Tanker 733 with a new 2003 International/USA Tanker 1250 gpm, 2200 Gallon Tanker. It was assigned to the Edgartown Road Station. May 2009 photo.

April 2004 photo

Tanker 734 - 2003 International 4400 / USA Tanker 1250/2200 Tanker. June 2014 photo


May 2009 photos

May 2017 photos




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West Tisbury - Breaker 731 - 2007 (1972/'98) AM Gen/V-Tec 300/750 Breaker

West Tisbury - Breaker 731 - 2007 (1998/'72) AM General/V-Tec 300/750 Breaker
Photo May 2009

West Tisbury housed and staffed the DCR District 1 1972 AM General 2.5 ton 6x6/1998 V-Tec 350/750 Brush Breaker from 2007 until about 2013. It was utilized as Breaker 731 on the Vineyard, even as its original designation was Breaker 6 in Barnstable County.




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West Tisbury - Breaker 732 - 2006 Sterling/EJ Murphy 300/650 Brush Breaker 

West Tisbury - Breaker 732 - 2006 Sterling 4x4/EJ Murphy 300/650 Brush Breaker
Photo June 2014

West Tisbury's first new Brush Breaker was the 2006 Sterling/EJ Murphy 300/650 Brush Breaker.
It is stationed at the West Tisbury Station 2 on State Road.

West Tisbury - Breaker 732 - 2006 Sterling 4x4 / EJ Murphy 300/650/20 Breaker

Guest photo of new West Tisbury 2003 Sterling/EJ Murphy Brush Breaker.

The new Breaker 732.

June 2007

June 2014




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West Tisbury - Breaker 731 - 2013 International/V-Tec 350/750 Breaker

West Tisbury - Breaker 731 - 2013 International 4x4/V-Tec 350/750 Brush Breaker
Photo June 2014

West Tisbury - Breaker 731 - 2013 International 4x4 / V-Tec 350/750 Breaker. June 2014

June 2014

West Tisbury Breaker 731 - Patient wife - May 2017



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