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Barnstable County Fire Training Academy

Photos from the Past

Barnstable County Fire Academy Opening Ceremony October 1959 

Barnstable Municipal Airport crash truck at Opening Ceremony 1959.

Orleans, Mashpee, and Sandwich apparatus at the Opening Ceremony 1959.

Demonstration of a flammable liquid "Pit Fire" at the Academy in 1959.

Members from various Cape departments fight pit fire together in 1960s.

Pit Fire in 1960s

Pit Fire in 1960s

Barnstable Fire Department members stretch hoselines from Engine 2 in a 1964
demonstration at the fire academy.

Firefighters ladder the smoke house September 1964

Firefighters attack an oil tanker fire at the academy in September 1964.

Car fire demonstration September 1964.

Dennis Engine 1 September 1964

C-OFD Firefighters work at pit fire in the "zig zag pit"  July 1969

Cape apparatus at the Academy May 1972
Includes state patrol truck, Brewster Buffalo, Orleans Mack, Yarmouth Maxim, Provincetown Chevy,
Nantucket LaFrance, an Otis crash truck, Chatham Ford ambulance, and Osterville
brush breaker.

Cape apparatus at the Academy in May 1972.
Includes Yarmouth GMC, Mashpee Ward LaFrance, Hyannis Thibault ladder truck, and
Cotuit International / Maxim pumper.

A huge open house event October 1973 brought all the latest and greatest apparatus
to the Academy for a public display. 
Three aerial ladders include Sandwich's 1953 Pirsch, Dennis's 1940's Seagrave (bought
from Onset), and Falmouth's 1969 American LaFrance.  Also of note is the 'new'
West Barnstable "Super Tanker" and several brush breakers.

One of several newer apparatus at the 1973 Open House was this 1972 Maxim Engine 3.

Bourne's new 1973 Grove aerial ladder truck in 1973.

Bourne Ladder 1 1973

